Acanthotriletes inferus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Famennian Belgium Becker,G. et al. Palynology and ostracode distribution in the Upper Devonian and Basal Dinantian of Belgium and their dependence on sedimentary Acies. 1974
details Eifelian Germany(Rhineland) Hamid,M.E.P. Spore associations from the Lower Middle Devonian (Eifel Stage), of the Southern Bergisches land (Rhenish Massif). 1974
details Late Givetian Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990
details Middle Devonian Paraguay MenĀ©ndez,C.A. et al. Devonian spores from Paraguay. 1967
details Early Devonian Romania Beju,D. Some spores, acritarchs and chitinozoans of Lower Devonian age of the Moesian Platform (Rumania) 1967
details Siegenian Romania Beju,D. Zoning and correlation of the Paleozoic of the Moesian Platform on the basis of palynoprotistological assemblages.1. 1972
details Early Devonian Romania Givulescu,R. Fossil flora of Roumania. Second Supplement, Second Part. 1974
details Early Callovian Russia(Primorskiy) Kirillova,G.L. et al. J/K Boundary in Southeastern Russia and possible analogue of the Tetori Group, Japan. 2003
details Late Devonian S.Ireland(Kerry) Bridge,J.S. et al. Aspects of the sedimentology, palynology and palaeobotany of the Upper Devonian of Southern Kerry Head, County Kerry, Ireland. 1980
details Late Givetian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spores of the Middle Devonian of the Northeast of Belorussian Ssr 1955
details Early Tournaisian USSR(Evenki Nat.Okrug) Peterson,L.N. Palynological characteristics of the Carboniferous in the Junguska Basin. (In: General Problems of the Carboniferous Stratigraphy) 1978
details Late Givetian USSR(Far East) Tuzova,L.S. Stratigraphic significance of the Devonian spores and pollen of eastern Tartary 1959
details Eifelian USSR(Kemerovskaya) Andreeva,E.M. et al. New data on the phytostratigraphy of Devonian Deposits in the Altay-Sayan Mountain Region. (In: Contributions to the Phytostratigraphy of Devonian Deposits in the Altay-Sayon Mountain Region, Collected Articles) 1962
details Valanginian USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. Upper Mesozoic spore and pollen assemblages of southern Far East and their significance for stratigraphy. 1974
details Aptian USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. Upper Mesozoic spore and pollen assemblages of southern Far East and their significance for stratigraphy. 1974
details Givetian USSR(Komi ASSR) Motovilov,P.I. Paleopalynological description of the Devonian deposits of the Ukhta District. (In: Geology of the South-Eastern European part of the USSR) 1971
details Devonian USSR(Krasnodar Kray) Medvedeva,A.M. Palynological investigation of Petroleum 1978