Raistrickia abdita

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian B Germany Schopf,J.M. et al. An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. 1944
details Morrowan Desmoinesian Iowa Ravn,R.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Coals of Iowa 1986
details Atokan Early Desmoinesian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Correlation of the "Boskydell Sandstone" and other sandstone containing marine fossils in Southern Illinois using palynology of adjacent coal beds. 1993
details Late Westphalian A Kentucky Eble,C.F. et al. Palynologic, petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the Manchester Coal Bed in eastern Kentucky. 1995
details Late Desmoinesian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Morrowan Kentucky Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Atokan Tennessee Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Desmoinesian Oklahoma Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Late Desmoinesian Kansas Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Desmoinesian Missouri Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Early Desmoinesian Ohio Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Middle Pennsylvanian Kentucky Andrews,W.M. et al. A depositional model for Thge Taylor Coal Bed, Martin and Johns Counties, eastern Kentucky 1996
details Westphalian D Kentucky Hower,J.C. et al. Petrography, geochemistry and palynology of the Stockton Coal B (Middle Pennsylvanian), Martin County, Kentucky 1996
details Namurian C Westphalian B Virginia Eble,C.F. Lower and Lower Middle Pennsylvanian coal palynofloras, southwestern Virginia. 1996
details Westphalian D Kansas Peppers,R.A. Palynology of the Lost Branch Formation of Kansas: New insight the major floral transition at the Middle - Upper Pennsylvanian boundary. 1997