
Citations total:
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details Late Miocene Late Neogene Greece Sauvage,J. Palynological studies of the Neogene and Quaternary in Greece and their application to Hellenic Neotectonics, (Corith, Euboea, Beotia, Phocidia, and Attica). 1977
details Late Oligocene France(Bouches-du-Rhone) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Palynological study of the Oligocene of the Marseille Basin 1977
details Late Albian Maastrichtian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Samoilovich,S.R. Palynological characterization of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in Western Yakutia. (In: Questions of Phytostratigraphy. S.R.Samoilovich et al, editors) 1977
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Greece Sauvage,J. et al. Palynological and stratigraphic information on the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. 1977
details Cretaceous Czechoslovakia Knobloch,E. et al. Progress in Cenophytic palaeobotany of Czechoslovakia. 1977
details Middle Oligocene Miocene Czechoslovakia Knobloch,E. et al. Progress in Cenophytic palaeobotany of Czechoslovakia. 1977
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene France(Cotes du Nord) Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Brittany. 1977
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene France(Finistere) Morzadec-Kerfourn,M.T. The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Brittany. 1977
details Early Pliocene Spain Valle Hernandez,M.F. et al. Palynology of the Lower Pliocene of Can Alvareda, Barcelona. 1977
details Tortonian Sarmatian Poland Sadowska,A. Vegetation and stratigraphy of Upper Miocene Coal Seams of Southwestern Poland. 1977
details Late Tortonian Poland Dyjor,S. et al. Problem of the age and correlation of Upper Miocene Brown Coal Seams in Western Poland. 1977
details Eocene Late Neogene USSR(Magadan Oblast) Bakai,G.G. et al. Stratigraphy of the Paleogene and Neogene deposits of the north coast of Penzhina Bay (Northern Cisokhotsk). 1977
details Meotian USSR(Georgian SSR) Purtseladze,Kh.N. Palynological characteristics of the Meotian deposits of Western Georgia. 1977
details Middle Miocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Ramishvili,I.Sh. The Middle Miocene flora of the Western Caucasus and the further stages of their development. 1977
details Auversian Early Oligocene France(Indre) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Palynological dating of the Continental Tertiary deposits of Brenne. 1977
details Late Sparnacian France(Charente) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. Palynologic dating of the Tertiary Continental Siderolithic facies of Charente. 1977
details Cuisian France(Charente) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. Palynologic dating of the Tertiary Continental Siderolithic facies of Charente. 1977