Micrhystridium robustum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Llanvirnian China(Szechwan) Fang,X. Ordovician microflora from Ningqiang (Shaanxi) and Guangyuan (Sichuan) and its sedimentary environment. 1990
details Llanvirnian Baoto China(Szechwan) Lai,C.-G. et al. Restudy on Ordovician of Southern Shaanxi-Northern Sichuan areas. 1990
details Llanvirnian Baoto China(Shansi) Lai,C.-G. et al. Restudy on Ordovician of Southern Shaanxi-Northern Sichuan areas. 1990
details Arenigian Llandeilian Belgium Servais,T. Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Ordovician Rigenee Formation (Brabant Massif, Belgium) with a preliminary study on acritarchs. 1991
details Early Tremadocian Italy(Sardinia) Di Milia,A. et al. Tremadocian acritarch assemblages from the Solanas Sandstone Formation (Nappe zone of Central Sardinia) 1993
details Tremadocian England Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. The Micrhystridium and Veryhachium Complexes (Acritarcha: Acanthomorphitae and Polygonomorphitae): A taxonomic reconsideration. 1994
details Tremadocian England(Shropshire) Martin,F. Systematic revision of the acritarch Ferromia Pellita and its bearing on Lower Ordovician stratigraphy 1996
details Caradocian Ludlovian Nepal Sinha,H.N. et al. Record of Prolific and Indubitable acritarchs from the Lower Paleozoic strata of the Tethyan Garhwal Himalaya and age implication 1996
details Ashgillian Poland Kremer,B. Acritarchs from the Upper Ordovician of southern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 2001
details Early Tremadocian Argentina(Salta) Vergel,M.D.M. et al. Ordovician palynomorphs of Argentina: An integrated approach. (Aspects of the Ordovician System in Argentina.) 2002