Auroraspora asperella

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Strunian Courceyan Wales(Glamorgan) McNestry,A. New palynostratigraphy of two Uppermost Devonian -Lower Carboniferous borehole sections in South Wales 1988
details Late Famennian Middle Tournaisian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Higgs,K.T. et al. Spore stratigraphy at the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in the northern Rheinisches Schiefergebirg, East Germany. (In: The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. E.Paproth and M.Streel, editors) 1984
details Late Famennian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Becker,T. et al. Hasselbachtal, the section best displaying the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds in the -Rhenish Massif, (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). (In: The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. E.Paproth and M.Streel, editors) 1984
details Late Famennian USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Concil,R. et al. Foraminifers, spores and corals of the Upper Famennian and Dinatian of the Omolon Massif, (Soviet Far East). 1982
details Late Famennian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Avkhimovich,V.I. et al. Miospore systematics and stratigraphic correlation of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary deposits in the European part of the USSR and Western Europe 1988
details Strunian Tournaisian Turkey Higgs,K.T. et al. Late Devonian and early Carboniferous microfloras from the Hakkar Province of southeastern Turkey. 2002
details Early Tournaisian Middle Tournaisian Spain Lachkar,G. et al. Discovery of Tournasian microflora from the eastern Iberian Chain (Spain) 1993
details Courceyan S.Ireland(Offaly) Higgs,K.T. et al. Stratigraphic and systematic palynology of the Tournaisian of Ireland 1988
details Late Courceyan Asbian S.Ireland(Leitrim) Higgs,K.T. Stratigraphic palynology of the Carboniferous rocks in Northwest Ireland 1984
details Courceyan S.Ireland(Kilkenny) Jarvis,E. New palynological data on the age of Kilatorcan flora of County Kilkenny, Ireland. 1990
details Courceyan S.Ireland(Kerry) Higgs,K.T. et al. Stratigraphic and systematic palynology of the Tournaisian of Ireland 1988
details Early Carboniferous S.Ireland(Cork) Naylor,D. et al. The geology of the Coastline East of Kinsale Harbour, County Cork. 1980
details Tournaisian S.Ireland(Cork) Higgs,K.T. et al. Stratigraphic and systematic palynology of the Tournaisian of Ireland 1988
details S.Ireland Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Aspects of Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous palynology of Southern Ireland.2. The Aurraspora macra morphon. 1980
details Late Devonian Early Carboniferous S.Ireland Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Aspects of Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous palynology of Southern Ireland. 3. Palynology of Devonian-Carboniferous transition sequences with special reference to the Bantryay area, County Cork. 1980
details Tournaisian S.Ireland Higgs,K.T. et al. Stratigraphic and systematic palynology of the Tournaisian of Ireland 1988
details Famennian Poland Matyja,H. et al. Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and associated phenomena in Western Pomerania, (northwest Poland). 1994