Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus

Citations total:
Author - title
original Late Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Potonie,R. et al. The sporae dispersae of the Ruhr Carboniferous, their morphography and stratigraphy with reviews of species of other areas. Part 1. 1955
details Westphalian A Poland Gгrecka-Nowak,A. Palynological record of palaeoclimatic changes in Late Carboniferous. An example from the Intrasudetic Basin (southwest Poland). 2002
details Early Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Schweitzer,H.J. et al. The dispersed spores of the Essener Layers (Lower Westphalian B) in the eastern Ruhr area and their usefulness for Seam comparison 1991
details Late Westphalian B Middle Westphalian C Germany Grebe,H. Microflora. 1971
details Westphalian B United Kingdom Smith,A.H.V. et al. Miospores in the coal seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain. 1967
details Visean Australia(N.Territory) Playford,G. Lower Carboniferous spores from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia and Northern Territory. 1971
details Visean Westphalian D Turkey Agrali,B. et al. Study of the microspores of the Carboniferous Basin of Amasra (1-2). 1969
details Tertiary Poland Turnau,E. Microflora and paleogeography of the Carboniferous Coal deposits in the Polish Carpathians. 1970
details Cretaceous Poland Turnau,E. Microflora and paleogeography of the Carboniferous Coal deposits in the Polish Carpathians. 1970
details Early Namurian B Early Westphalian A Poland Gгrecka,T. Namurian-Westphalian boundary in the North-Western part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough. 1968
details Nd Nd Krutzsch,W. Atlas of Middle and Upper Tertiary dispersed spores and pollen as well as microplankton of northern Middle Europe. 2. Spores of the a Nothocerotaceae and Lycopodiaceae. 1963
details Visean Sinai Omara,S. et al. A Lower Carboniferous microflora from southwestern Sinai, Egypt. 1965
details Santonian Canada(Alberta) Rouse,G.E. The application of a new nomenclatural approach to Upper Cretaceous plant microfossils from Western Canada. 1957
details Late Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Ravn,R.L. Miospores of the Kekiktuk Formation (Lower Carboniferous), Endicott Field Area, Alaska North Slope. 1991
details Visean Sinai Omara,S. A micropaleontological approach to the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous exposures of the Gulf of Suez Region. 1965
details Namurian Westphalian A Turkey Akyol,E. Palynological studies of the Namurian and Westphalian A veins, cut by the South and East Wing of a Side Gallery -5 a Asma, U Zulmez-Zonguldak. 1974
details Moscovian Ukraine Oshurkova,M.V. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Carboniferous deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990