Biharisporites submamillarius

Citations total:
Author - title
original Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) McGregor,D.C. Devonian spores from Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 1960
details Middle Frasnian Late Frasnian Canada(Arctic) Kerr,J.W. Geology of Bathurst Island Group and Byam Martin Island, Arctic Canada. 1974
details Early Frasnian USSR(Komi ASSR) Medianik,S.I. The spore-bearing organs of the Lower Frasnian Archaeopteris from the Southern Timan Region 1982
details Frasnian Canada Richardson,J.B. Report of Subgroup 13B on Devonian and Lower Carboniferous. 1962
details Late Frasnian Famennian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Hills,L.V. et al. Upper Devonian megaspores, northeastern Banks Island, NWT. 1971
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Chi,B.I. et al. Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance of Upper Devonian megaspores, Type Section of the Imperial Formation, Northwet Territories, Canada. 1974
details Early Frasnian USSR(Arkhangelsk Oblast) Medianik,S.I. Palynological characteristics of the Frasnian deposits of the Timan-Pechora Province. 1981
details Givetian Frasnian Canada(Arctic) Chi,B.I. et al. Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Devonian Imegaspores, Arctic, Canada. 1976
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Chi,B.I. et al. Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Devonian Imegaspores, Arctic, Canada. 1976