Crassispora kosankei

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian A Early Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Streel,M. et al. Westphalian A and B miospore zone in boreholes from Inde and Wu Synclines and the Erkelenz Horst near Aachen, Federal Republic Germany 1991
details Westphalian A Westphalian B Turkey Akgмn,F. Palynology and paleoecology of the Amsra-Bartin Basin. 1991
details Gzelian W.Germany(Bavaria) Veld,H. et al. Aspects of Permian palaeobotany and palynology XIII. On the Stephanian age of a Rotliegend deposit near Weiden, Oberpfalz, Germany. 1992
details Early Virgilian New Mexico Willard,D.A. Early Virgilian palynofloras from the Kinney Quarry, Manzanita Mountains, New Mexico. (In: Geology and paleontology of the Kinney Brick Quarry, Late Pennsylvanian, Central New Mexico) 1992
details Late Arnsbergian Early Chokierian England(Northumberland) Turner,N. et al. Palynological evidence for Early Namurian age of the "Millstone Grit" and Upper Limestone Group around Longhoughton Steel, Northumberland. 1992
details Marsdenian Langsettian England(Derbyshire) Turner,N. et al. A palynostratigraphic study of Namurian-Westphalian Deltaic Sequences of the Southern Central Pennine Basin, Derbyshire England. 1993
details Pendleian Early Langsettian China(Kansu) Zhu,H. A revised palynological Sub-Division of the Namurian of Jingyuan, Northwest China 1993
details Middle Pennsylvanian Illinois Willard,D.A. Vegetational patterns in the Springfield Coal (Middle Pennsylvanian, Illinois Basin): Comparison of miospore and coal-ball record. (In: Modern and Ancient Coal Forming Environments. J.C.Cobb and C.B.Cecil, editors) 1993
details Westphalian B Canada(Nova Scotia) Calder,J.H. The evolution of a ground-water-influenced (Westphalian B) peat forming ecosystem in a piedmont setting: the No.3 Seam, Springhill Coalfield, Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia. (In: Modern and Ancient Coal Forming Environments. J.C.Cobb and C.B.Cecil, editors) 1993
details Atokan Early Desmoinesian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Correlation of the "Boskydell Sandstone" and other sandstone containing marine fossils in Southern Illinois using palynology of adjacent coal beds. 1993
details Late Permian China(Shensi) Zhu,H.-C. Discovery of Permo-Carboniferous miospores in Liulin County of Shanxi, China, with discussion on studies of carbonized miospores. 1993
details Late Pennsylvanian Illinois Willard,D.A. et al. Paleobotany and palynology of the Bristol Hill Coal Member (Bond Formation) and Friendsville Coal Member (Mattoon Formation) of the Illinois Basin (Upper Pennsylvanian) 1994
details Early Kasimovian Spain Coquel,R. et al. Palynology of the Picos de Europa and Puentell©s Formations in the Picos de Europa area (Upper Carboniferous, northwest Spain). 1994
details Late Chokierian Early Alportian England(Staffordshire) Turner,N. et al. Palynostratigraphy of a Carboniferous transgressive systems tracts from the Earliest Alportian (Naumurian) of Britain 1994
details Middle Westphalian D Kentucky Hower,J.C. et al. Petrology and palynology of the No.5 Block Coal Bed, Northeastern Kentucky 1994
details Middle Westphalian D Late Westphalian D Canada(Nova Scotia) Marchioni,D. et al. Petrographical palynological and geochemical analysis of the Hub and Harbour Seams, Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada-Implications for facies development. 1994
details Early Morrowan Virginia Pierce,B.S. et al. Comparison of the petrography, palynology and paleobotany of the Little Fire Creek Coal Bed, Southwestern Virginia, USA. 1994