Crassispora kosankei

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian D Stephanian Czechoslovakia KalibovЎ,M. The Carboniferous sporae dispersae in the Ocelice Boring in eastern Bohemia 1983
details Westphalian A Westphalian C Spain Wagner,R.H. et al. The position of the Bashkirian/Moscovian boundary in West European chronostratigraphy 1983
details Late Gzelian USSR(Rostov) Inosova,K.I. et al. Miospores. (In: Key section of boundary Carboniferous and Permian Beds of the South of the eastern-European Platform, (Gzhelian and Asselian Stages, Skosyrskaya Borehole N4199) 1983
details Early Pennsylvanian Ohio Kosanke,R.M. Palynology of selected Coal Beds in the proposed Pennsylvanian system stratotype in West Virginia 1984
details Early Pennsylvanian Middle Pennsylvanian West Virginia Kosanke,R.M. Palynology of selected Coal Beds in the proposed Pennsylvanian system stratotype in West Virginia 1984
details Westphalian C Stephanian C Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous and Lower Permian in the borehole Strzezewo 1 1984
details Westphalian B Early Stephanian China(Ningsia Hui) Wang,H. Middle and Upper Carboniferous sporo-pollen assemblages from Henshanbu, Ningxia. 1984
details Early Arnsbergian Middle Arnsbergian S.Ireland(Leitrim) Higgs,K.T. Stratigraphic palynology of the Carboniferous rocks in Northwest Ireland 1984
details Visean Namurian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Teteryuk,V.K. Paleoecological studies of microspores of Peat Forming Carboniferous plants 1984
details Namurian A Westphalian D Europe Butterworth,M.A. Upper Carboniferous. (In: Pollen and Spore Biostratigraphy of the Phanerozoic in Northwest Europe) 1984
details Early Westphalian C Bulgaria Latcheva,J. et al. Two important palynological correlation markers in the Westphalian of Dobrudza Coal Basin 1984
details Late Westphalian C West Virginia Eble,C.F. et al. Characteristic small spores of the Coalburg Coal, (Upper Pottsville, Pennsylvanian), in West Virginia. 1984
details Namurian Arkansas Owens,B. et al. Late Mississippian - Early Pennsylvanian miospore assemblages from northern Arkansas. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Namurian B Westphalian B China Gao,L. Carboniferous spore assemblages in China. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Stephanian China(Shansi) Gao,L. Carboniferous spore assemblages in China. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Namurian C Early Westphalian B Arkansas Loboziak,S. et al. The microspores of the Hale and Bloyd Formations of northern Arkansas. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Namurian A Westphalian D Europe Coquel,R. et al. Comparison between the principal guide microspores of the Namurian and the Westphalian of Western Europe and in the Donetz Basin, (USSR). 1984