Crassispora kosankei

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Kansu) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981
details Late Stephanian A Stephanian C Poland Gгrecka,T. Results of palynostratigraphic tests of the youngest Carboniferous formation in the Lower Silesia Region. 1981
details Stephanian Roadian Spain Broutin,J. Paleobotanical and palynological studies of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the Continental Basins of the Southeastern Ossa-Morena zone (Guadalcanal area, Southern Spain). Paleogeographical and stratigraphic implications. 1981
details Westphalian A Westphalian D Kentucky Helfrich,C.T. Preliminary correlation of Coals of the Princess Reserve District in eastern Kentucky. (In: Coal and Coal-bearing rocks of eastern Kentucky) 1981
details Westphalian D Stephanian B Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Biostratigraphic evaluation of Graphiteous Shales in the Zemplin Inselberg area (Eastern Slovakia). 1981
details Namurian England Owens,B. Palynological zonation of Mid-Namurian strata in northern England. (In: Biostratigraphic data for a Mid-Carboniferous boundary. W.H.C.Ramsbottom et al.editors) 1982
details Bashkirian Moscovian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Teteryuk,V.K. On the Carboniferous Bashkirian-Moscovian boundary of the East-European Platform. (In: Biostratigraphic data for a Mid-Carboniferous boundary. W.H.C.Ramsbottom et al.editors) 1982
original Middle Namurian England(Northumberland) Butterworth,M.A. et al. Namurian and Basal Westphalian A miospore assemblage from the Featherstone area, Northern England. 1982
details Namurian B Westphalian Indiana Eggert,D.L. et al. Environments of deposition coal balls, Cuticular Shale and Grey-Shale floras in Fountain and Parke Counties, Indiana. 1982
details Westphalian France(Pas-de-Calais) Becg-Giraudon,J.F. et al. Discovery of the Upper Jurassic in the Strouanne borehole, (Parish of Wissant, Pas-de-Calais). 1982
details Namurian B Westphalian A Iowa Ravn,R.L. et al. A Morrowan, (Upper Carboniferous), miospore flora from eastern Iowa, USA. 1982
details Stephanian Stephanian B Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Biostratigraphical correlation of Late Paleozoic formations in the West Carpathians. 1982
details Late Carboniferous USSR(Yakut ASSR) Petrova,E.K. The palynological characteristics of Upper Paleozoic deposits, uncovered by boreholes Kedepchiksk 1 and Chyydinsk 1. (In: Stratigraphy and Palynology of Sedimentary Deposits of Yakutia. A.I.Tomskaya, editor) 1982
details Aptian England(Isle of Wight) Duxbury,S. A study of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Lower Greensand (Aptian to Lower Albian) of the Isle of Wight, southern England. 1983
details Middle Westphalian A Late Westphalian A Spain Wagner,R.H. et al. Micro and megafloral remains of Early Westphalian age from Villanueva del Rio y Minas, (Province of Sevilla, Spain). (In: Contributions to the Carboniferous Geology and Paleontology of the Iberian Peninsula. M.J.Lemos de Sousa, editor) 1983
details Westphalian D Czechoslovakia KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. On the biostratigraphy of Westphalian D, in Bohemian Coal Basins. 1983
details Namurian A Celtic Sea Higgs,K.T. Palynological evidence for Carboniferous strata in two wells drilled in the Celtic Sea area 1983