Crassispora kosankei

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Tournaisian China(Kiangsu) Ouyang,S. et al. Miospores of the Famennian and Tournaisian deposit deposits from a borehole and the Baoying District, Central Jiangsu 1987
details Tournaisian China Cai,C. et al. Problems on the correlation of the Devonian-Carboniferous transitional sequence of South China; a palaeobotanical and palynological review 1987
details Arnsbergian England(Yorkshire) Riley,N.J. et al. Stonehead Beck, Cowling, North Yorkshire, England: A British proposal for the Mid-Carboniferous boundary stratotype. (In: Selected studies in Carboniferous Paleontology and Biostratigraphy. P.L.Brenckle et al, editors) 1987
details Namurian China(Kansu) Li,X. et al. A proposed boundary stratotype in Jingyuan, eastern Gansu for the Upper and Lower Carboniferous of China. (In: Carboniferous Boundaries in China. C.Y.Wang, editors) 1987
details Late Namurian Westphalian A France(Aisne) Loboziak,S. Palynological results of Drillhole Jeumont 1 (In: Section 1, Northern Variscan Thrust Belt (Midi Fault) 1987
details Badenian Poland Jachowicz,S. et al. Genesis of hard coal boulders in Sandstones of the Miocene Debowiec Formation 1987
details Middle Carboniferous USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Teteryuk,V.K. Miospores of Peat Forming plants in Coal Seams as indicators of the conditions of Peat accumulation 1988
details Gzelian W.Germany(Bavaria) Veld,H. Palynology of a Carboniferous Rotliegend Facies near Weiden, West Germany. 1988
details Famennian China(Tibet) Lu,L.-C. et al. Upper Devonian acritarchs and spores from the Hongguleleng Formation, Hefeng District in Xinjiang, China. 1988
details Givetian China(Yunnan) Lu,L.-C. Middle Devonian microflora from Haickou Formation at Shijiapo in Zhanyi of Yunnan, China 1988
details Middle Pennsylvanian West Virginia Kosanke,R.M. Palynological studies of Middle Pennsylvanian Coal Beds of the proposed Pennsylvania system stratotype in West Virginia 1988
details Late Pennsylvanian West Virginia Kosanke,R.M. Palynological analyses of Upper Pennsylvanian Coal Beds and adjacent strata from the proposed Pennsylvanian system stratotype in West Virginia 1988
details Early Pennsylvanian West Virginia Kosanke,R.M. Palynological studies of Lower Pennsylvanian Coal Beds and adjacent strata of the proposed Pennsylvanian System stratotype in Virginia and West Virginia. 1988
details Late Stephanian A Stephanian B Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Bio and Ecostratigraphical evaluation of Paleozoic sediments from the area of the Zemplinske Vrchy Mts 1988
details Namurian A Westphalian C Poland GŠ³recka-Nowak,A. Palynostratigraphy of Upper Carboniferous deposits from the Grzedy IG-1 Borehole (Northern Part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin). 1988
details Gzelian Asselian Libya Brugman,W.A. et al. Permian and Triassic palynostratigraphy of northeast Libya. (In: The Subsurface Palynostratigraphy of Northeast Libya. Special Publication of the University of Garryounis, Libya. E.Arnauti et al, editors) 1989
details Gzelian Asselian Libya Brugman,W.A. et al. The problem of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in northeast Libya from a palynological point of view. (In: The Subsurface Palynostratigraphy of Northeast Libya. Special Publication of the University of Garryounis, Libya. E.Arnauti et al, editors) 1989