Crassispora kosankei

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Pennsylvanian Tennessee Horowitz,A. et al. Carboniferous paleontological zonation and intercontinental correlation of the Fowler No.1 Traders core, Scott County, Enneeess, USA. 1979
details Namurian C Westphalian A Europe Teteryuk,V.K. et al. Interregional correlation of the Namurian-Westphalian boundary in Carboniferous Europe, based on microspore. 1979
details Namurian Westphalian England Ramsbottom,W.H.C. et al. Palaeontological characterisation of the Namurian of the stratotype area. (A report of the Namurian Working Group). 1979
details Carboniferous Poland Kotlarczyk,J. Occurrence of Coal in the Carpathian Flysch-Some sedimentological observations 1979
details Moscovian USSR(Urals) Dyupina,G.V. Palynological characteristics of the Moscovian Stage of the Western Urals. (In: Support sections of the Carboniferous of the Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #26. G.N.Papulof and I.V.Pakhomov, editors) 1979
details Namurian A Westphalian C Poland Kmiecik,H. et al. Phyto and palynostratigraphy of the Carboniferous of the Warsaw area 1979
details Westphalian A USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Teteryuk,V.K. Spore and pollen complexes from the Bashkirian deposits of the Donets Basin 1979
details Late Permian China(Yunnan) Ouyang,S. et al. Microflora from the Ka-Yi-Tou Formation of Fuyuan District, eastern Yunnan and its bearing on stratigraphy and paleobotany. 1980
details Early Autunian France(Allier) Paquette,Y. et al. Palynologic study of the Autunian Couche du Toit, Aumance Basin (Assise De Buxieres) in connection with the sedimentary environment. 1980
details Westphalian A Westphalian C Poland Kmiecik,H. et al. On significance of microflora for studies on genesis of coals in the Lublin Coal Basin. 1980
details Westphalian D Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. New data on the Late Paleozoic in the West Carpathians. (In: Correlation of Prevariscan and Variscan events of the Alpine-Mediterranean Mountain Belt) 1980
details Westphalian England Wilkinson,I.P. et al. Offshore micropalaeontological biostratigraphy of southern and western Britain. 1980
details Late Carboniferous England(Cheshire) Wilkinson,I.P. et al. Offshore micropalaeontological biostratigraphy of southern and western Britain. 1980
details Namurian B Ireland(Isle Of Man) Wilkinson,I.P. et al. Offshore micropalaeontological biostratigraphy of southern and western Britain. 1980
details Namurian England(Lancashire) Johnson,E.W. A tunnel section through a prograding Namurian (Arnsbergian, E2A), Delta, in the Western Bowland Fells, North Lancashire. 1981
details Late Desmoinesian Illinois Phillips,T.L. et al. Paleoecology of Middle Pennsylvanian age coal swamps in Southern Illinois/Herrin Coal Member at Sahara Mine No.6. 1981
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Shansi) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981