Polygonum convolvulus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Reuverian Early Pleistocene England(Suffolk) Zalasiewicz,J.A. et al. Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Red Crag and Norwich Crag Formation between Aldeburgh and Sizewell, and Suffolk, England 1988
details Early Pleistocene Netherlands Zagwijn,W.H. Aspects of the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene vegetation in the Netherlands. 1960
details Pliocene Early Pleistocene China(Shansi) Shi,N. et al. Late Cenozoic vegetational history and the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the Yushe Basin, southeast Shanxi, China. 1993
details Pliocene Pleistocene China(Shansi) Shi,N. The Late Cenozoic stratigraphy, chronology, palynology and environmental development in the Yushe Basin, North China. 1994
details Late Pliocene USSR(Buryat ASSR) Malaeva,E.M. Vegetation and climate of the mountain regions of northern Mongolia and southeastern Zabaikal in the Pliocene. (In: Climates of the Earth in the Geological Past. A.A.Velichko and A.L.Chepalyga, editors) 1987
details Middle Oligocene USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Kostesha,O.N. Palynoflora of the Tonsk Region at the end of the Late Eocene-Oligocene. (In: Palynology in the USSR. A.F.Chlonova, editor) 1988