Diacrocanthidium echinulatum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Campanian Poland GŠ³rka,H. Dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs and algae of the Upper Campanian Chert of Mielnik on the Bug (Poland). 1982
details Turonian France(Indre-et-Loire) Foucher,J.-C. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Cenomanian and Turonian of Saumurois and Tourane, (Paris Basin, France). 1982
details Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. et al. The Mont-Heribu Member: Base of the Leper Formation in the Belgian Basin. 1983
details Campanian Maastrichtian Europe Foucher,J.-C. The Maastrichian and Danian dinoflagellates of the European Boreal Domain 1984
details Cenomanian France(Seine-Maritim) Foucher,J.-C. Appendix III: Micropaleotological study of some flints collected in soils near Tancarville (Seine-Maritime). 1984
details Early Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. Organic walled microfossils of the Lower Ypresian of Quenast. 1986
details Early Ypresian Nd De Coninck,J. Organic walled microfossils of the Lower Ypresian of Quenast. 1986
details Bartonian Early Rupelian Netherlands De Coninck,J. Organic walled phytoplankton from the Bartonian and Eo-Oligocene transitional deposits of the Woensdrect borehole, southern Netherlands. 1986
details Paleocene Belgium Vlerick,R. Organic walled microfossils from the type area of the Paleocene Heers and Landen Formations of Belgium 1987
details Late Eocene Egypt El-Beialy,S.Y. The dinocyst biostratigraphy of the Upper Eocene subsurface sediments, West Nile Delta, Egypt. 1988
details Priabonian Italy Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. et al. Dinolagellates from the Priabonian Stage Strato type area (Vicentin, Italy), evidence for the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. 1988
details Late Cretaceous Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990
details Lutetian Belgium De Coninck,J. Organic-walled microfossils of the Bartonian Priabonian and Early Rupelian from the Kallo borehole; significant species from the Woensdricht, Kallo and Mol boreholes 1995
details Nd Nd Williams,G.L. et al. The Lentin and Williams Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates.1998 Edition. 1998