Estiastra sp

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Llandoverian Wenlockian North America Le H©riss©,A. Biogeography of upper Llandovery and Wenlock acritarchs. 1995
details Late Llandoverian Wenlockian Sweden(Gotland) Le H©riss©,A. Biogeography of upper Llandovery and Wenlock acritarchs. 1995
details Late Llandoverian Wenlockian Greenland Le H©riss©,A. Biogeography of upper Llandovery and Wenlock acritarchs. 1995
details Late Llandoverian Wenlockian Belgium Le H©riss©,A. Biogeography of upper Llandovery and Wenlock acritarchs. 1995
original Cambrian Tremadocian Italy Kalvacheva,R.K. et al. Acritarch evidence for the Cambrian age of Phyllites in the Agordo area (South-Alpine Basement of eastern Alps, Italy). 1986
original Emsian Strunian Brazil(Piaui) de Quadros,L.P. Biostratigraphic distribution of chitinozoa and acritarchs of the Parnaiba Basin 1982
details Middle Ordovician Late Ordovician France Rauscher,R. Ordovician acritarchs from France. 1974
details Givetian Frasnian Bolivia Wood,G.D. The acritarch Proteolobus wallii, sp.nov., from the Devonian Iquiri Formation of Bolivia: A possible coenobial alga. 1997
original Emsian Famennian Brazil(Maranhao) Brito,I.M. et al. New occurrences of acritarchs in the Devonian of the Parnaiba Basin. (In: Paleobotanica e Palinologia na America do Sul; 1983) 1984
original Llandoverian Early Siegenian Spain Rodriguez Gonzalez,R.M. Palynology of the Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian Formations of the Cantabrica Cordillera, Northeast Spain. 1983
details Late Ordovician Devonian Algeria Ilavsky,J. et al. Presence of Paleozoic acritarchs in metamorphic rocks of the Edough Massif (Wilaya of Annaba, eastern Algeria) 1987
details Tremadocian USSR(Moscow Basin) Aristova,K.E. Typical assemblages of Ordovician and Silurian microfossils from the Moscow Syncline. 1980
details Early Cambrian Finland Tynni,R. On Paleozoic microfossils in clastic dykes on the …land Islands and in the core samples of Lumparn. (In: Paleozoic sediments in the Rapakivi area of the …land Islands. L. Bergman, R. Tynni and B. Winterhalter, editors.) 1982
details Early Gothlandian Canada(Anticosti Island) Duffield,S.L. et al. Gradational morphological series in Early Silurian acritarchs from Anticosti Island, Quebec. 1982
details Llanvirnian France(Calvados) Rauscher,R. Micropaleontological and stratigraphic research in the Ordovician and Silurian in France. Study of the acritarchs, chitinozoans and spores. 1973
details Early Scythian Australia(W.Australia) Sappal,K.K. Triassic acritarchs from Western Australia and their stratigraphic significance 1978
details Middle Devonian Canada(Ontario) Eley,B.E. et al. Cherts of Southern Ontario 1989