Pseudotasmanites parvus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Early Cambrian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Kiryanov,V.V. New acritarchs from the Volynian Cambrian. 1974
details Early Cambrian USSR(Baltic) Volkova,N.A. et al. Microflora. (In: Upper Precambrian and Cambrian paleontology of the East-European Platform.) 1979
details Early Cambrian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Kiryanov,V.V. The Volyn-Podolian Slope of the East-European Platform: The Cambrian. (In: Stratigraphy of Upper Precambrian and Cambrian deposits on the western part of the East European Platform. B.M.Keller and A.Y.Rozanov, editors) 1979
details Early Cambrian Sweden Vidal,G. Lower Cambrian acritarch stratigraphy in Scandinavia. 1981
details Early Cambrian USSR(Russian Platform) Vidal,G. Micropalaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian sequence in Scandinavia. 1981
details Early Cambrian Sweden Vidal,G. Micropalaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian sequence in Scandinavia. 1981
details Early Cambrian Poland Moczydlowska,M. et al. Lower Cambrian acritarch zonation in southern Scandinavia and southeastern Poland. 1986
details Early Cambrian Denmark Moczydlowska,M. et al. Lower Cambrian acritarch zonation in southern Scandinavia and southeastern Poland. 1986
details Early Cambrian Sweden Moczydlowska,M. et al. Lower Cambrian acritarch zonation in southern Scandinavia and southeastern Poland. 1986
details Early Cambrian USSR(European) Mens,K.A. Detailing of the Lower Cambrian stratigraphical Scheme for the East European Platform. (In: Vendian and Cambrian Facies and Stratigraphy of the Western Part of East European Platform. E.A.Pirrus, editor) 1986
details Early Cambrian Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990