Archaeozonotriletes divellomedium

Citations total:
Author - title
details Wenlockian Dittonian Wales(Carmarthenshire) Richardson,J.B. et al. Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian spore assemblages from the Welsh Borderland and South Wales 1969
details Wenlockian Downtonian Wales Owens,B. et al. Some recent advances in Devonian palynology. A review. Report of CIMP Working Group No.13B. 1972
details Wenlockian Pridolian Romania Iliescu,V. A Pridolian, (Uppermost Silurian), palynoprotistologic assemblage from the Moesian Platform--Romania. 1975
details Wenlockian Nd Steemans,P. Spores and crytospores diversification from the Ordovician to the Lower Devonian. 1998
details Silurian Bulgaria Sergeeva,L.A. et al. On the Paleozoic age of the metamorphic rocks in Stradza 1979
details Silurian Libya Richardson,J.B. et al. Silurian palynomorphs from the Tanezzuft and Acacus Formations, Tripolitania, North Africa. 1973
details Sheinwoodian Homerian England(Shropshire) Burgess,N.D. et al. Silurian Cryptospores and miospores from the type Wenlock area, Shropshire, England. 1991
details Pridolian Romania Givulescu,R. Fossil flora of Romania. (3rd Supplement) 1978
details Pridolian Algeria Moreau-Benoit,A. et al. Palynological study of the Devonian in the Illizi Basin (East Algerian Sahara) biostratigraphical approach 1993
details Pridolian Libya Moreau-Benoit,A. et al. Palynology and stratigraphy of a Lower Devonian type section of eastern Sahara (Rhadames Basin, Libye) 1988
details Pridolian England(Shropshire) White,D.E. et al. The Pridoli Series in the Welsh Borderland and South-Central Wales. (In: A Global Standard for the Silurian System. C.H. Holland and M.G.Bassett, editors) 1989
details Pridolian Libya Gray,J. Spores of Land-Plant type. 1977
details Pridolian Gedinnian Scotland Gray,J. Spores of Land-Plant type. 1977
details Pridolian Gedinnian Wales Gray,J. Spores of Land-Plant type. 1977
details Ordovician Silurian Bulgaria Sergeeva,L.A. et al. Micropaleophytological investigations of metamorphic formations of the Carpathian Balkan folded region. (In: Stratigraphy and Correlation of Sediments Using Palynology Methods. Materials IV All-Union Palynological Conference. G.N.Papulov, editor) 1983
details Nd Libya Richardson,J.B. et al. Silurian and Devonian spore zones of the Old Red Sandstone continent and adjacent regions. 1986
details Nd Nd Balme,B.E. Fossil in situ, spores and pollen grains: An annotated catalogue. 1995