Tetradopollenites concubinatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Miocene Netherlands Manten,A.A. Palynology of the Miocene Browncoal Mined at Haanrade (Limburg, Netherlands). 1958
details Miocene Poland Stuchlik,L. Pollen analysis of the Miocene deposits at Rypin, (northwest of Warsaw). 1964
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Mohr,B.A.R. The microflora of the Upper Miocene - Lower Pliocene overlying beds of the Rhenish Brown Coal. 1984