Quercus pontica

Citations total:
Author - title
details Miocene Pliocene USSR(Siberia) Stuchlik,L. et al. Subrecent spore-pollen spectra and their relation to recent for vegetation of Colshis, (Western Georgia, USSR) 1987
details Early Eocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Polumiskova,K.A. et al. Changes in floras during the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Tim the Territory of Kazakhstan. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) 1966
details Early Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Panova,L.A. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Neogene deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Early Pleistocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. et al. Palynological assemblages of Chaudinian deposits of Western Georgia and their stratigraphic significance. 1980
details Holocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. Palynologic study of Late Cenozoic and modern deposits in the eastern part of the Black Sea. 1979
details Late Pliocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. The palynological basis of the geochronology of the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of Western Georgia. 1974
details Late Neogene USSR(Carpathians) Rybakova,N.O. Flora and vegetation of the Trans-Carpathians in the Pliocene. (In: Spore-Pollen Analysis used in Geomorphical Research. S.S.Voskresenskogo and M.P.Grichuk, editors) 1971