Protosacculina multistriata

Citations total:
Author - title
details Zechstein Buntsandstein E.Germany Schulz,E. Stratigraphic distribution of spores and pollen from the Upper Permian to the Lowermost Lias in northern Middle Europe. 1966
details Artinskian Tatarian Bolivia Men©ndez,C.A. Permian microfloras of Argentina and the relation with other Gondwanic microfloras. 1979
details Permian Bolivia Men©ndez,C.A. Palynology of Permian and Triassic strata from South America. 1979
details Wolfcampian Leonardian Bolivia Cousminer,H.L. Permian spores from Apillapampa, Bolivia. 1965
details Late Permian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. Palynology of a sample from core No.24 Union-Kern-Aog Wandoan No.1 1965
details Late Permian Australia(Queensland) Norvick,M.S. Permian and Late Carboniferous palynostratigraphy of the Galilee Basin, Queensland 1981
details Late Permian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. et al. The palynology of samples from A.A.O.Combarngo No. 1 Well. 1964
details Late Permian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. et al. Palynological report on samples from Cabawin No.1 Well. 1964
details Late Permian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. et al. Palynology of samples from Union-Kern-A.O.G. Cabawin East No.1. 1964
details Artinskian Australia(Queensland) Foster,C.B. Permian plant plant microfossils from the Blair Athol Coal Measures, Central Queensland, Australia. 1975
details Permian Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology of the Mooki Valley, New South Wales. 1979
details Early Permian Australia(NSW) Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 2 1958
details Permian Australia Balme,B.E. The palynological record of Australian Pre-Tertiary floras. (In: Ancient Pacific Floras. The Pollen Story. L.M. Cranwell, editor) 1964
details Sakmarian Artinskian Argentina(San Luis) Men©ndez,C.A. Permian microfloras of Argentina and the relation with other Gondwanic microfloras. 1979
details Sakmarian Argentina(San Luis) Men©ndez,C.A. Palynology of Permian and Triassic strata from South America. 1979
details Early Permian Argentina(San Luis) Archangelsky,S. et al. Paleontology, biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of Paganzo, Calingasta-Uspallata and Rio Blanco Basins. (In: The Carboniferous System in the Republic of Argentina. S.Archangelsky, editor) 1987
details Early Permian Argentina(San Luis) Azcuy,C.L. et al. Paganzo Basin. (In: The Carboniferous System in the Republic of Argentina. S.Archangelsky, editor) 1987