Aequitriradites variabilis

Citations total:
Author - title
details Middle Kimmeridgian Neocomian Madagascar Chen,Y.Y. Jurassic and Cretaceous palynostratigraphy in the Morondava Basin of Madagaskar. 1978
details Aptian Middle Albian Canada(Alberta) Singh,C. Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, east-central Alberta. 1964
details Early Albian Middle Albian Canada(Alberta) Vagvolgyi,A.B. et al. Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Northeast Alberta. 1969
details Hauterivian Middle Albian North America Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Givetian Frasnian Loboziak,S. et al. Paleoclimatic interpretations based on the comparisons of the miospore assemblages of the Middle-Late Devonian of Libya and Brazil 1989
details Givetian Frasnian Libya Loboziak,S. et al. Paleoclimatic interpretations based on the comparisons of the miospore assemblages of the Middle-Late Devonian of Libya and Brazil 1989
details Aptian Albian Alaska Kimyai,A. Palynology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sediments in the South Barrow Test Well No.1, Point Barrow, Alaska. 2000
details Late Jurassic Alaska Timmcke,T.A. Palynolgoy of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, Point Barrow, Alaska. 1981
original Neocomian Canada(W.Canada) Pocock,S.A.J. Microfloral analysis and age determination of strata at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Western Canada Plains 1962
details Late Jurassic Israel Horowitz,A. Upper Jurassic microflora from Zohar 8 Well Southern Israel) 1968
details Late Jurassic Israel Horowitz,A. Jurassic flora from the northern Negev, Israel. 1970
details Albian Canada(Alberta) Vagvolgyi,A.B. Palynology of type McMurray Formation. 1964