Symplocoipollenites vestibulum

Citations total:
Author - title
details Miocene Wales(Anglesey) Walsh,P. et al. A Miocene palynoflora preserved by Karstic Subsidence in Angles and the origin of the Menaian Surface 1996
details Late Neogene W.Germany(Schleswig) Averdieck,F.R. Palynologic investigation of the Tertiary from Sylt. 1971
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene W.Germany(Rhineland) Lohnertz,W. Dating of the deep fluvial Tertiary deposits in the souteast Eifel, (Rhenish Massif). 1978
details Lutetian W.Germany(Rhineland) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. New investigations in the Lower Tertiary of Eckfeld near Manderscheild, (Eifel). 1969
details Miocene W.Germany(Rhineland) Brelie,G.Von Der Microflora from the Clay Pit at Adendorf (Miocene, Rhineland). 1966
details Late Neogene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Wirth,W. The Tertiary Karst filling near Eisborn of Sauerland 1970
details Middle Miocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Neogene of Lower Rhine Embayment. Part 2: Pollen. 1996
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. Pollen flora and phytoplancton in the Cologne Layers and their lithostratigraphy in the Siegburg Graben. 1981
details Miocene Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. New aspects of the palynological subdivision of the Pliocene in the Lower Rhine Basin 1981
details Eocene Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. On the petrography and the pollen analysis of Bright and Dark Layers in the Rhenish main Lignite Seam 1981
details Reuverian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der Pollen analysis undertaken. (In: The Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary in the Region of Ville (Niederrheinische Bay). W.Boenigk et al, authors) 1974
details Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der The pollen stratigraphic subdivision of the Pliocene in the L.Rhine Basin 1959
details Middle Miocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der Spores and pollen in the marine Tertiary of the Lower Rhine Basin. 1958
details Late Neogene W.Germany(Hesse) Herter,G. Palynological research in the Horloff-Graben/ Wetterau in Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary Layers and a (?Prae-Elesterian) Interglacial 1985
details Late Eocene W.Germany(Hesse) Engel,E. On the palynology and stratigraphy of the Borken Brown Coal, (Hessen). 1987
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene W.Germany(Hesse) Murriger,F. et al. Concerning the age of Brown Coal of Burghasungen, Bezirk Kassel, based on pollen analysis and comparisons with other Browncoal deposits. 1951
details Middle Reuverian W.Germany(Bavaria) Boenigk,W. et al. The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the Ville area, Lower Rhine Graben 1974