Densosporites glandulosus

Citations total:
Author - title
original Middle Pennsylvanian Illinois Kosanke,R.M. Pennsylvanian spores of Illinois and their use in correlation. 1950
details Westphalian D France Navale,G.K.B. Palynological studies of Merlabach Coals in conjunction with petrographic structure. 1964
details Early Atokan Kentucky Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Middle Stephanian France(Aveyron) Doubinger,J. Sporologic associations (Microspores) of some Stephanian and Autunian deposits 1960
details Late Visean Westphalian A Poland Karczewska,J. Carboniferous spores from the Chelmi Boring (Eastern Poland). 1967
details Nd France Alpern,B. Contribution to the palynological and petrographic study of French Coals. 1959
details Westphalian Stephanian France Alpern,B. Succinct descriptions of the principal genera and species of pollen and spores found in the Coals of Central and eastern France. 1956
details Nd Nd Chaloner,W.G. A Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites microspores 1962
details Nd Nd DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspores of the Upper Silesian Coal Measures. 1957
details Early Westphalian B Illinois DybovЎ,S. et al. Microsporic correlation of the Synclinal Group Deposits in the Upper Silesian Basin, with the Coal Measures Groups of the Illinois, (USA). (In: Contributions to the Geology of the Silesian and Cracovian Regions. Volume 6. 1960
details Late Atokan Tennessee Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996