Stenozonotriletes pumilus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Middle Devonian USSR(Estonian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Lower Devonian plant microfossils of the Western East-European Platform 1978
details Frasnian Early Famennian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. et al. Palynology characteristics of the Intersaliferous stratum of the Khobninsk Dome. (In: Palynological investigations in Belorussia and other Regions of the USSR. V.K.Golubzov et al, editors) 1971
details Tournaisian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spore-pollen complexes of the Paleozoic deposits of Byelorussia. 1960
details Famennian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spores of the Devonian deposits which lie over the Saliferous Layers of the Pripet (Pripyat) Depression, and their stratgraphic significance. 1957
details Famennian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spores of the Devonian deposits which lie over the Saliferous Layers of the Pripet (Pripyat) Depression, and their stratgraphic significance. 1957
details Early Devonian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Middle Givetian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Early Devonian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Tournaisian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Tournaisian spores of the Pripyat Depression and their stratigraphic significance. 1963
details Early Carboniferous USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. The spore and pollen features of the Lower Carboniferous horizons of the Belorussian S.S.R. 1958
details Tournaisian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. The stratigraphy and spore-pollen Groups of the Lower levels of the Carboniferous of the Belorussian SSRsr. 1957
details Tournaisian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Significance of spore-pollen analysis in the stratigraphy of the continental deposits of the Lower horizons of the Carboniferous of Byelorussia. 1959
details Tournaisian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. Spore assemblages of Upper Devonian and Tournasian deposits and the border between the Devonian and the Carboniferous in the Pipyat Depression 1962
details Late Famennian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. et al. Stratigraphy of Devonian and Carboniferous boundary deposits of the Russian Platform based on spores and other plant microfossils. (In: Stratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Paleozoya Yuzhnogo Urala i Pri-Ural'ya. N.D.Trapeznikova, editor) 1972
details Early Devonian USSR(Baltic) Karatayute-Talimaa,V.N. et al. Identification of the Shiashuvsk Suite in the Devonian section of the Polish-Lithuanian Synclina. (In: Questions on the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Devonian of the Baltic Region) 1964
details Devonian Poland Jakubowska,L. Flora of the Devonian;Microflora 1972
details Early Devonian Poland Jakubowska,L. Palaeobotanic-stratigraphical studies on Devonian deposits pierced by Bore Holes Ciepielow and Dorohucza. 1968