
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Tomskaya,A.I. Palynology of Cenozoic deposits of Yakut. 1981
details Tongaporutuan Hautawan New Zealand(S.I.) Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Palynology and age of the Tadmor Group (Late Miocene-Pliocene), and Porika Formation (Early Pleistocene), South Island, New Zealand. 1981
details Late Neogene France(Rhone) Ballesio,R. et al. Pliocene Rhodanian Ria from Garon Valley, (Rhone). 1981
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene France(Herault) Suc,J.-P. The vegetation and climate of Languedoc, (Southern France) in the Middle Pliocene based on from palynology. 1981
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene Mediterranean Sea Carvatte,J. et al. Climatic evolution of northwestern Mediterranean area during Pliocene and Early Pleistocene by pollen analysis and forams of Drill Autan 1. Chronostratigraphic correlations 1981
details Tertiary Australia Martin,H.A. Changing Cenozoic Barriers and the Australian paleobotanical record. 1981
details Miocene Late Neogene Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Changing Cenozoic Barriers and the Australian paleobotanical record. 1981
details Miocene Late Neogene Australia(Victoria) Martin,H.A. Changing Cenozoic Barriers and the Australian paleobotanical record. 1981
details Altonian New Zealand(S.I.) Pocknall,D.T. Pollen and spores from the Rifle Butts Formation (Altonian, Lower Miocene), Otago, New Zealand. 1981
details Early Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Panova,L.A. Flora and vegetation on the border of the Paleogene and Neogene of the South USSR, (on palynological data). (In: Life on Ancient Continents: Its Establishment and Expansion.) 1981
details Late Miocene Late Neogene USSR(Siberia) Strepetova,Z.V. et al. The Cenozoic reference section of Yano-Omoloiskoe Interfluve 1981
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. Pollen flora and phytoplancton in the Cologne Layers and their lithostratigraphy in the Siegburg Graben. 1981
details Miocene Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. New aspects of the palynological subdivision of the Pliocene in the Lower Rhine Basin 1981
details Tertiary China(Tibet) Ma,X.-O. et al. Disuse of the name "Diou Formation" of the Lunpola Basin in Tibet proposed. 1981
details Miocene Pleistocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. 1981
details Paleocene Greenland Croxton,C.A. et al. An occurence of Tertiary shales from the Harder Fjord Fault, North Greenland Fold Belt, Peary Land. (In: Palaeontology and stratigraphy of Greenland - short contributions.) 1981
details Late Pliocene USSR(Lipetsk) Fursikova,I.F. et al. New data on the Krivobore deposits along the Upper Reaches of the Voronezh River (Lipetskaya Region). 1981