Camarozonosporites heskemensis

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Eocene Oligocene Czechoslovakia KonzalovЎ,M. Boehlensipollis and other microfossils from the Bohemian Tertiary (Volcanic Layers) 1981
details Middle Miocene Pliocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Neogene of the Lower Rhine Embayment. Part 1:Spores 1995
details Lutetian Priabonian Hungary Gidai,L. Key sections of the Eocene in the North-East Region of the Transdanube (Tokod 527 borehole). 1971
details Bartonian Rupelian Belgium Roche,E. et al. Palynological study of the Kallo complex. 1980
details Tongrian Rupelian Belgium Roche,E. Spore-pollen analysis of the Oligocene deposits of Waasmunster. 1978
details Thanetian Sparnacian France(Loire Atlantique) Ollivier-Pierre,M.F. Contribution to the palynologic study of a Saprogenic Layer of La Sennetiere in La Bernerie (Loire Atlantique). 1970
details Ludian Stampian France Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins 1990
details Cuisian Stampian England(Isle of Wight) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England. 1976
details Cuisian Stampian England(Sussex) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England. 1976
details Jackson Vicksburg Mississippi Frederiksen,N.O. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Jackson Stage (Upper Eocene), and adjacent strata of Mississippi and Western Alabama. 1967
details Jackson Vicksburg Alabama Frederiksen,N.O. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Jackson Stage (Upper Eocene), and adjacent strata of Mississippi and Western Alabama. 1967
details Landenian Ypresian Belgium Mercier,M. et al. Continental-brakish to marine transition modalities of the Ypresian in the northwest of the Paris Basin and of the Belgian Basin from the data of the palynology, the clay mineralogy and the radioelements geochemistry. 1985