Nikitinsporites canadensis

Citations total:
Author - title
original Late Devonian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Chaloner,W.G. Devonian megaspores from Arctic Canada 1959
details Nd Nd Pi©rart,P. The state of advancement of the systematics of Lageniculate megaspores. 1978
details Frasnian Famennian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Chi,B.I. et al. Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance of Upper Devonian megaspores, Type Section of the Imperial Formation, Northwet Territories, Canada. 1974
details Early Frasnian Middle Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Chi,B.I. et al. Middle and Upper Devonian megaspores from the Cape terrace section on Western Melville Island, Arctic Canada. 1975
details Late Devonian North America Pi©rart,P. Systematics, stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous and Permian megaspores. 1975
details Late Devonian USSR(Siberia) Pi©rart,P. Systematics, stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous and Permian megaspores. 1975
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Cook,D.G. et al. Ontaratue River (106J), Travaillant Lake (106-O), and Canot Lake 106P) Map areas, District of MacKenzie, Northwest Terriories. 1975
details Devonian Nd Taylor,T.N. et al. Ultrastructural studies of Devonian spores. (In: A Field Guide to Selected Outcrop Area of the Devonian of Scotland, the Welsh Borderland and South Wales. P.F.Friend and B.P.L.Williams, editors) 1978
details Nd Nd Taylor,T.N. et al. Devonian spore ultrastructure: Rhabdosporites 1996
details Late Devonian Canada Balme,B.E. Fossil in situ, spores and pollen grains: An annotated catalogue. 1995
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) McGregor,D.C. Devonian spores of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories 1970
details Devonian Nd Taylor,T.N. et al. In situ, pollen and spores in plant evolution. 14C -Importance of in situ, pollen and spores in understanding the biology and evolution of fossil plants. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Middle Givetian Late Frasnian Canada(Saskatchewan) Chi,B.I. et al. Middle and Upper Devonian megaspores from the Cape terrace section on Western Melville Island, Arctic Canada. 1973
details Givetian Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Klovan,J.E. et al. Upper Devonian stratigraphy, northeastern Banks Island, NWT. 1971
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Taylor,T.N. et al. Morphological and ultrastructural features of Nikitinsporites canadensis, Chaloner, a Devonian megaspore from the Frasnian of Canada. 1980
details Frasnian Canada(Arctic) Chi,B.I. et al. Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Devonian Imegaspores, Arctic, Canada. 1976
details Early Triassic Canada(Arctic) Hills,L.V. et al. Reworked Devonian megaspores from the Triassic Bjorne Formation Melville Island, Arctic Canada 1970