Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Chattian Early Miocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Heilmann-Clausen,C. et al. Dinoflagellate zonation of the Uppermost Paleocene? to Lower Miocene in the Wursterheide research well, northwest Germany 1989
details Late Paleocene Early Eocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Heilmann-Clausen,C. et al. Dinoflagellate zonation of the Uppermost Paleocene? to Lower Miocene in the Wursterheide research well, northwest Germany 1989
details Nd Nd Heilmann-Clausen,C. et al. Dinoflagellate zonation of the Uppermost Paleocene? to Lower Miocene in the Wursterheide research well, northwest Germany 1989
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene USSR(Armenian SSR) Zaporozhets,N.I. Palynocomplexes and phytoplankton complexes from the Late Eocene and Oligocene deposits from Zkvazhin #1 (Near Laknzhar, Armenia). (In: Paleoflora and Stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic. M.A.Akhmetev, editor) 1989
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Australia(NSW) Macphail,M.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Central West Murray Basin. 1989
details Early Miocene Germany(Saxony) Strauss,C. et al. Preparation and examination of fossil dinoflagellate cysts with the Scanning Electron Microscope. 1989
details Miocene South Korea Yun,H. et al. Microfossil assemblages from the Bomun area. 1989
details Middle Eocene Egypt El-Beialy,S.Y. Tertiary dinoflagellate cysts from the Mit Ghamr-1 Well, Nile Delta, Egypt. 1990
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene South Carolina Edwards,L.E. Neogene and Pleistocene dinocysts of the Charleston, South Carolina, Region. (In: Studies related to the Charleston, South Carolina earthquake of 1886, Neogene and Quaternary lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy) 1990
details Lutetian Bartonian Pacific(E.China Sea) Wang,K.-D. et al. Eocene marine deposits in the Southwestern Continental Shelf Basin of the East China Sea 1990
details Middle Eocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Stotland,A.B. Stratigraphic subdivision and age of Amber-bearing rocks in the northern Slope of the Ukrainian Crystalline Massif according to data of microphytofossil studies 1990
details Rupelian Early Stampian France Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins 1990
details Rupelian Early Stampian W.Germany(Hesse) Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins 1990
details Late Eocene Middle Oligocene Egypt El-Beialy,S.Y. et al. Planktonic foraminifera and dinoflagellate cysts across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Nile Delta area, Egypt. 1990
details Oligocene France(Savoie) M©dus,J. et al. Reworked pollen assemblages and the Eocene Oligocene boundary in the Paleogene of the Western External French Alps 1990
details Middle Oligocene Early Pliocene Egypt El-Beialy,S.Y. Palynology, palaeoecology, and dinocyst stratigraphy of the Oligocene through Pliocene succession in the Quantara-1 Well, Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt. 1990
details Middle Miocene Early Pliocene Europe(Bay of Biscay) Mudie,P.J. et al. Neogene to recent palynostratigraphy of Circum-Arctic Basins;Results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, Leg 105, Baffin Bay, and DSDP Site 611, Irminger Sea. (In: Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic. U. Bleil and J.Thiede, editor) 1990