details |
Paleozoic |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Paleozoic |
USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Middle Givetian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform |
1966 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Raskatova,L.G. et al. Palynological characteristics of the Petino Deposits of the central regions of the Russian Platform and the Dnepr-Donets Depression. (In: Lithology and stratigraphy of the sedimentary Mantle of the Voronezh Anteclise) |
1976 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Baltic) |
Sorokin,V.S. Upper Frasnian Substage of the main Devonian Field. (In: Phanerozoic Stratigraphy of the Baltic States Paleontological Assemblages, Structure and Composition of Sediments. V.S.Sorokin, editor) |
1978 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Micropaleophytological characterization of Devonian deposits from the Dnieper-Donets Basin. |
1974 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
Late Frasnian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Micropaleophytological characterization of Devonian deposits from the Dnieper-Donets Basin. |
1974 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Latvian SSR) |
Ozolina,V.R. Spore-pollen spectrum of Frasnian age of Upper Devonian, Latvian SSR. |
1963 |
details |
Middle Devonian |
Arabian Pen.States |
Al-Laboun,A.A. et al. The Devonian of the Arabian Peninsula. (In: Devonian of the World: Regional Synthesis. N.J.McMillian et al, editors) |
1988 |
details |
Middle Devonian |
Kalyuzhnyy,V.A. et al. New data on the lithologic and mineral composition and sequence of the Middle Devonian deposits in the Ukhta District, South Iman |
1962 |
details |
Late Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(European) |
McGregor,D.C. Spores and the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary. |
1981 |
details |
Late Givetian |
USSR(Kemerovskaya) |
Andreeva,E.M. et al. New data on the phytostratigraphy of Devonian Deposits in the Altay-Sayan Mountain Region. (In: Contributions to the Phytostratigraphy of Devonian Deposits in the Altay-Sayon Mountain Region, Collected Articles) |
1962 |
details |
Late Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Urals) |
Fomina,L.S. Spore assemblages of terrigene Devonian in northern areas of the Volga-Urals Region. (In: Paleopalynoligical Method Applied in Stratigraphy. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) |
1968 |
details |
Late Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Udmurt ASSR) |
Fomina,L.S. Regularities in the distribution of spores in the Beds of the terrigenous Devonian of north-eastern Tataria and Southern Udmurtia |
1967 |
details |
Late Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Tatar ASSR) |
Fomina,L.S. Regularities in the distribution of spores in the Beds of the terrigenous Devonian of north-eastern Tataria and Southern Udmurtia |
1967 |
details |
Late Givetian |
USSR(Urals) |
Tuzova,L.S. Spore-pollen complexes of the terrigenous Devonian and the Lower Carboniferous of Tertary and their value in stratigraphy. (In: Symposium on Problems of the Petroleum Geology of the Ural-Volga Region, USSR) |
1956 |
details |
Late Givetian |
USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) |
Andreeva,E.M. et al. A paleobotanical characterization of the Givetian Beds of northern Timan |
1967 |