Cyathidites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Late Albian Antarctica Dettmann,M.E. Significance of the Cretaceous-Tertiary spore genus Cyatheacidites in tracing the origin and migration of Lophosoria (Filicopsida). (In: Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honor of N.F.Hughes. D.J.Batten and D.E.G.Briggs, editors) 1986
original Miocene Kerguelen Island Dettmann,M.E. Significance of the Cretaceous-Tertiary spore genus Cyatheacidites in tracing the origin and migration of Lophosoria (Filicopsida). (In: Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honor of N.F.Hughes. D.J.Batten and D.E.G.Briggs, editors) 1986
original Middle Albian Turonian Australia Dettmann,M.E. Significance of the Cretaceous-Tertiary spore genus Cyatheacidites in tracing the origin and migration of Lophosoria (Filicopsida). (In: Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honor of N.F.Hughes. D.J.Batten and D.E.G.Briggs, editors) 1986
details Aptian Albian New Mexico Lucas,S.G. et al. Cretaceous stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, Clayton Lake State Park, Union County, New Mexico. 1986
details Early Cretaceous India(Assam) Sharma,K.D. et al. Occurrence of Gondwana palynofossils in Barpathar Well No.1 of Upper Assam subsurface 1986
details Middle Jurassic USSR(European) Chirva,S.A. et al. Correlation of Middle Jurassic - Callovian Sandy Deposits of the Sysola, Yarenga and Pechora River Basins. (In: Jurassic Deposits of the Russian Platform: Collection of Scientific Papers) 1986
details Late Rupelian Early Chattian India(Himachal Pradesh) Pandey,J. Some recent paleontological studies and their implications on the Cenozoic stratigraphy of Indian Subcontinent 1986
details Jurassic China(Inner Mongolia) Long,Y. et al. Characteristics of petroleum geology and petroleum potential of Hailar Basin. 1986
details Aalenian USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Skoblo,V.M. et al. Biostratigraphic correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous continental depositions of western Zabaikalya and some other parts of Asian USSR and Mongolia. (In: Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. A.L.Yanshin et al, editors) 1986
details Middle Keuper Late Keuper USSR(Kazakh SSR) Shelekhova,M.N. et al. Stratigraphy of Triassic of the Kokte Dome according to the data of study of the spore pollen complexes (Precaspian Depression) 1986
details Late Triassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Li,P. et al. Stratigraphy. (In: Permian and Triassic Strata and Fossil Assemblages in the Dalongkou Area of Jimsar, Xinjiang. J. Yang et al, editors) 1986
details Paleocene Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. et al. The first occurrence of the Paleocene Lygistepollenites balmei Zone in the eastern Highlands Region, New South Wales. 1987
details Middle Jurassic Cenomanian North Sea Harker,S.D. et al. Triassic to Cenomanian stratigraphy of the Witch Ground Graben. (In: Petroleum Geology of North West Europe. J.J.Brooks and K.W.Glennie, editors) 1987
details Late Lutetian Australia(Victoria) Christophel,D.C. et al. The Eocene flora of the Anglesea Locality, Victoria. 1987
details Maastrichtian Paleocene Utah Fouch,T.D. et al. Chart showing lithology, mineralogy and paleontology on the nonmarine North Horn Formation and Flagstaff Member of the Green River Formation Price Canyon, Central Utah. A principal. 1987
details Late Triassic China(Honan) Wang,C.-F. Discovery of Late Triassic strata from the northern Henan Plain 1987
details Middle Eocene Pleistocene Alaska Olson,D.L. et al. Biostratigraphy. (In: Geological and Operational Summary Norton Sound Cost No.2 Well Norton Sound, Alaska. R.F.Turner, editor) 1987