
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Nd Nd Jansonius,J. Spore nomenclature and the proposals of the Lille palynologists. 1968
details Late Visean Scotland(Fife) Neville,R.S.W. Ranges of selected spores in the Upper Visean of the East Fife coast section between St. Monance and Pittenweem 1968
details Early Carboniferous Scotland(Fife) Neville,R.S.W. Ranges of selected spores in the Upper Visean of the East Fife coast section between St. Monance and Pittenweem 1968
details Namurian Stephanian France(Lorraine) Alpern,B. et al. Test of the stratigraphical possibilities of geochemistry in the Lorraine Coal Basin. 1968
details Late Mississippian Late Pennsylvanian Oklahoma Wilson,L.R. Palynological stratigraphy and succession of Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Coal Seams. 1968
details Carboniferous United Kingdom Smith,A.H.V. Seam profiles and seam characters. (In: Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata. D.Murchison et al, editors) 1968
details Desmoinesian Oklahoma Wilson,L.R. Palynological stratigraphy and succession of Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Coal Seams. 1968
details Allegheny Ohio Boureau,E. et al. Paleobotanical Treatise. 2. Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta. 1968
details Allegheny Missouri Boureau,E. et al. Paleobotanical Treatise. 2. Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta. 1968
details Allegheny Illinois Boureau,E. et al. Paleobotanical Treatise. 2. Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta. 1968
details Carboniferous Czechoslovakia KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. Palynologic investigation of the Carboniferous in Bore-Hole Br-1 in Brnany near Terezin. 1968
details Namurian A England(Durham) Neves,R. The palynology of the Woodland Borehole, County Durham. 1968
details Early Permian USSR(Magadan Oblast) Dibner,A.F. The stratigraphic significance of miospores from layers of the Tunguska Series, disclosed in borehole 9-K (Lower Tunguska River). 1968
details Early Carboniferous USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Lyuber,A.A. et al. Paleofloristic methods: method of correlating coal bearing strata and the coal beds from spore and pollen analysis. (In: Methods of correlating Coal Measures and the Synomymy of Coal Seams. I.I.Gorskii, editors) 1968
details Middle Pennsylvanian Late Pennsylvanian Pennsylvania Habib,D. Spore stratigraphy and tectonism in the Pennsylvanian system of Western Pennsylvania 1969
details Namurian Westphalian Poland DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspore phases of some coal seams in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. 1969
details Nd Nd Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the Bassin Houiller of northern France, stratigraphic applicationsin the study of several boreholes. 1969