
Citations total:
Author - title
details Turonian Santonian Nd Schluter,T. The eoevolutionary relationship between angiosperm pollen and insects in the Late Mesozoic. 1987
details Middle Cenomanian Late Cenomanian Europe Batten,D.J. Systematic relationships between Normapolles pollen and the Hamamelidae. (In: Evolution, Systematics and Fossil History of Hamamelidae. P.R.Crane and S.Blackmore, editors) 1989
details Late Cretaceous Early Tertiary Nd Batten,D.J. et al. Key to the recognition of Normapolles and some morphologically similar pollen Genera. 1981
details Turonian Early Santonian Europe Kedves,M. Devolopment of the European Brevaxones pollen grains and the main stages of the evolution during the Lower and Middle Senonian. 1983
details Late Turonian Coniacian E.Germany Krutzsch,W. The stratigraphic classification of spores from the Upper Cretaceous in North Central Europe-Methodical Bases and present status of investigations 1966
details Late Cenomanian Portugal Kedves,M. et al. Probrevaxones, a new pollen group for the first Brevaxones form-genera from the Upper Cenomanian of Portugal. 1981
details Early Tertiary E.Germany Krutzsch,W. The floral change in the Lower Tertiary on the basis of sporopaleontological investigations. (In: Climate changes in the Tertiary from a Paleobotanical point of view.) 1967
details Nd Nd Skarby,A. Extratriporopollenites (Pflug) emend. from the Upper Cretaceous of Scania, Sweden. 1968
original Turonian Germany Krutzsch,W. Some new form genera and species of spores and pollen from the Middle European Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary 1959
details Middle Turonian Switzerland Weidmann,M. Summary palynological analysis of the "Complexe Schisteux Intermediaire" (Synclinal of Gruyere, Prealpes Medianes). 1963
details Turonian Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. et al. Some conclusions of the palynological research in the Upper Cretaceous of the Bohemian Massif. 1970
details Maastrichtian Switzerland Badoux,H. et al. The age of the Helminthoides Flysch of the Romand and Chablais Prealps. 1963
details Maastrichtian France(Savoie,Haute) Badoux,H. et al. The age of the Helminthoides Flysch of the Romand and Chablais Prealps. 1963