Stenozonoligotriletes validus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Cambrian Poland Wazynska,H. Preliminary microfloristic examinations of the Sinian and Cambrian deposits from the Bialowieza area 1967
details Early Cambrian Romania Visarion,A. On the presence of a microfloral association in the Muncel Series, (Bihar Mountains). 1970
details Late Cambrian Ordovician Romania Visarion,A. et al. Determination of the age of a Crystalline Shales from the Apuseni Mountains, (Romania). 1971
details Proterozoic Antarctica Vialov,O.S. et al. First find of ancient spores in Antarctica 1959
details Late Sinian Early Cambrian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Timofeev,B.V. Stratigraphy, palaeontological characteristics and sectional comparison of Sinian and Cambrian deposits of the northeastern slopes of the Aldansk and the Southern Slopes of the Anabarsk Shields. (In: Material on the geology and petroleum of Yakut ASSR) 1959
details Vendian Cambrian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Timofeev,B.V. The age of a graywache from Lower Saxony. Micropaleontological investigation of samples from the Graywacke of Weesensteiner and Lausitzer. 1958
details Vendian Sweden Timofeev,B.V. On the micropaleontological characteristics of the Visingso Formation 1960
details Sinian USSR(Buryat ASSR) Timofeev,B.V. On the age of the sedimentary-Metamorphic Layers of eastern Transbaikal. (In: Geological Symposium #5) 1960
details Late Proterozoic Early Cambrian USSR(Siberia) Timofeev,B.V. Spores of Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic deposits of eastern Siberia and their stratigraphic significance 1956
details Proterozoic Cambrian USSR(Karelian ASSR) Timofeev,B.V. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Precambrian 1960
original Vendian Early Ordovician USSR(Pre-Baltic) Timofeev,B.V. Ancient flora of the Prebaltic Region and its stratigraphic significance 1959
details Nd USSR(Moldavian SSR) Timofeev,B.V. Micropaleophytological research into ancient strata. 1966
details Nd USSR(Siberia) Timofeev,B.V. Micropaleophytological research into ancient strata. 1966
details Nd China(Inner Mongolia) Timofeev,B.V. Micropaleophytological research into ancient strata. 1966
details Riphean USSR(Yakut ASSR) Timofeev,B.V. Spheromorphids of the Proterozoic 1969
details Riphean USSR(Yakut ASSR) Timofeev,B.V. Spheromorphids of the Proterozoic 1969
details Late Precambrian USSR(Siberia) Spizharsky,T.N. Late Precambrian deposits of the Siberian Platform 1958