Dictyotriletes subgranifer

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Siegenian USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Arkhangelskaya,A.D. Plant spores from some Lower Devonian sections of the Western Regions of the Russian Platform. (In: Palinologicheskie issledovaniya Proterozoya i Fanerozoya neftegazonoshykh. T.V. Byvsheva, editor.) 1980
details Late Gedinnian Siegenian France(Finistere) Moreau-Benoit,A. The spores and plant debris. (In: The Shists and Limestones of Armorica. Y.Plusquellec, editor) 1980
details China Kao,L. Devonian spore assemblages of China 1981
details Late Siegenian France(Manche) Le H©riss©,A. The Lower Devonian spores of the Armorican Massif 1981
details Late Siegenian France(Morbihan) Le H©riss©,A. The Lower Devonian spores of the Armorican Massif 1981
details Late Siegenian France(Ille-et-Vilaine) Le H©riss©,A. The Lower Devonian spores of the Armorican Massif 1981
details Early Devonian Middle Devonian France Coquel,R. The spores. 1981
details Late Siegenian Early Emsian China(Yunnan) Gao,L. Devonian spore assemblages of China 1981
details Early Emsian W.Germany(Rhineland) Schweitzer,H.J. The Lower Devonian flora of the Rhineland: Part 1. 1983
details Pragian Early Emsian France(Mayenne) Le H©riss©,A. Lower Devonian spores of the Laval Synclinorium (Massif Armoricain) 1983
details Middle Siegenian Late Siegenian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Volkmer,U. Palynology of the Early Devonian, (Siegenian - Emsian), in the eastern Rhineland. 1984
details Gedinnian Early Eifelian Bolivia McGregor,D.C. Late Silurian and Devonian spores from Bolivia 1984
details Emsian Early Eifelian Georgia Ravn,R.L. et al. Lower Devonian spores and acritarchs from the subsurface of Southwestern Georgia. 1984
details Middle Siegenian Late Siegenian W.Germany(Rhineland) Volkmer,U. Spore stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian, (Siegenian - Emsian) within the Southern Bergisches Land (Rhenish Massif). 1985
details Siegenian Emsian Poland Turnau,E. Lower to Middle Devonian spores from the vicinity of Pionki, (central Poland). 1986
original Middle Siegenian Emsian France(Ardennes) Steemans,P. The study of palynostratigraphy of the Devonian of western Europe. 1986
original Middle Gedinnian Siegenian France(Ardennes) Steemans,P. The study of palynostratigraphy of the Devonian of western Europe. 1986