Microreticulatisporites minutus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Carboniferous Scotland Knox,E.M. The microspores of some Scottish Coals, and their vertical distribution. 1951
details Early Carboniferous Scotland(Fife) Knox,E.M. Palynology and Coal stratigraphy. 1952
original Paleozoic Nd Knox,E.M. The spores of Lycopodium, Phylloglossum, Selaginella and Isoetes and their value in the study of microfossils of Paleozoic age. 1950
details Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Hagemann,H.W. Comparative micropetrographic and sporologic studies of the Zollverein 1-5 Seams from the Middle Essen Beds (Westfal B) of the Ruhrcarbons in reference to correlation of Seams. 1966
details Namurian B Poland GŠ³recka,T. Stratigraphy of the Bialy Kamien Beds in the northwestern part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough on the Ground of palynological research. (In: Geological research in the Lower Silesian Region) 1969
details Carboniferous Scotland Francis,E.H. Carboniferous (Chapter 9 of Book) 1965