
Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Pliocene China(Yunnan) Tong,G. et al. Late Cenozoic palynoflora and environment changes in Yunnan-Gui Plateau 1994
details Late Pliocene China(Guizhou) Tong,G. et al. Late Cenozoic palynoflora and environment changes in Yunnan-Gui Plateau 1994
details Miocene Early Pliocene Spain Suc,J.-P. Latitudinal and Altitudinal organization of Upper Cainozoic vegetation in Western Mediterranean Region 1989
details Miocene Early Pliocene Italy Suc,J.-P. Latitudinal and Altitudinal organization of Upper Cainozoic vegetation in Western Mediterranean Region 1989
details Miocene Early Pliocene France Suc,J.-P. Latitudinal and Altitudinal organization of Upper Cainozoic vegetation in Western Mediterranean Region 1989
details Early Tertiary Belgium Quinif,Y. et al. An attempt to reconstruct geodynamically the Belgian Palaeogene Basin from mineralogical clay data from radioelement (U, Th, K2O) geochemistry and palynology. 1983
details Senonian Paleocene Nigeria Puri,G.S. The Geobotanical indications of some plant fossils from Nigeria and other Regions 1963
details Cretaceous Paleocene Nigeria Puri,G.S. Some plant microfossils from the Cretaceous and Paleocene of Nigeria. 1971
details Tertiary New Zealand Pocknall,D.T. Was New Zealand ever tropical during the Tertiary? 1988
details Early Aquitanian Portugal Pais,J. Notes on the geology and paleontology of the Miocene of Lisbon XXI. First characteristics of the dinoflagellates of the lowermost beds of the Miocene series of Lisbon. 1978
details Maastrichtian Pleistocene Nd Muller,J. Significance of fossil pollen for angiosperm history. (In: Historical Perspectives of Angiosperm Evolution.) 1984
details Paleocene Recent Nd Muller,J. Palynological evidence on Early differentiation of angiosperms. 1970
details Late Eocene Early Pliocene New Zealand Mildenhall,D.C. New Zealand Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic plant biogeography 1980
details Miocene Panama Leopold,E.B. Late Cenozoic palynology. (In: Aspects of Palynology. R.H. Tschudy and R.A. Scott, editors) 1969
details Maastrichtian Eocene Nigeria Kedves,M. Report on the IV. A.P.L.E.Palynology Symposium (Barcelona, October 7-9,1982) 1983
details Oligocene Miocene Panama Graham,A. Studies in Neotropical paleobotany, preliminary analysis of fossil microfloras from Mexico, Panama, and Puerto Rico. (Bstract) 1967
details Middle Oligocene Caribbean Graham,A. et al. Studies in Neotropical paleobotany. 1. The Oligocene communities of Puerto Rico. 1969