Hymenozonotriletes pusillus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Westphalian C W.Germany(N.Rhine) Ishchenko,A.M. Atlas of microspores and pollen of the Middle Carboniferous Period in the western part of the Donets Basin. 1952
details Visean Stephanian USSR(Rostov) Egorov,A.I. et al. Spores and pollen of Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Don Basin. 1971
details Visean Stephanian USSR(Rostov) Egorov,A.I. et al. Spores and pollen of Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Don Basin. 1971
details Visean Stephanian USSR(Rostov) Egorov,A.I. et al. Spores and pollen of Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Don Basin. 1971
details Visean Namurian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spores. (In: Fauna and flora of Coal deposits of Galicia-Volyn Depression) 1956
original Visean USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spores. (In: Fauna and flora of Coal deposits of Galicia-Volyn Depression) 1956
details Visean USSR(Urals) Kuznetsov,Y.I. The Carboniferous system in the region of the foothills of the Urals and adjoining territory of the Kama Region. (In: Geologiya i Neftegazonoshost Severa Ural-Povolzhya. S.H.Shikhov, editor) 1973
details Visean USSR(Permsk Oblast) Kuznetsov,Y.I. et al. Visean terrigenous deposits of the Kama Region of Perm. (In: Scientific Substantiation Trends Methods Prospecting Exploration Petroleum Natural Gas within Kama Region Perm. S.A.Shivkov, editor) 1971
details Visean USSR(Tatar ASSR) Tuzova,L.S. Spore-pollen complexes of the terrigenous Devonian and the Lower Carboniferous of Tartary and their value in stratigraphy 1958
details Visean USSR(Urals) Burilova,R.V. et al. Spore-pollen assemblages. (In: Paleontological Atlas, Carboniferous Deposits of the Urals.) 1975
details Visean USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Aseeva,E.A. et al. The palynological basis for the Paleozoic age of certain sections of the Ukrainiane dated as Early Precambrian. (In: Stratigraphy and Correlation of Sediments Using Palynology Methods. Materials IV All-Union Palynological Conference. G.N.Papulov, editor) 1983
details Visean Moscovian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spore and pollen analysis of the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. 1958
details Visean USSR(Ulyanov) Byvsheva,T.V. The spore-pollen characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous in the Melemess and Buzuluk explora-Tory Drill Holes. 1957
details Visean USSR(Orenburg) Byvsheva,T.V. The spore-pollen characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous in the Melemess and Buzuluk explora-Tory Drill Holes. 1957
details Visean USSR(Urals) Burilova,R.V. Stratigraphy of the coal-bearing formations on the Western Slope of the Middle Urals. 1971
details Visean Namurian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spores and pollen of Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Western extension of the Donetz Basin and their values for stratigraphy. 1956
details Visean USSR(Kazakh SSR) Andreeva,E.M. Spore and pollen assemblages in Upper Proterozoic and Paleozoic deposits of some Regions of the USSR 1962