
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian B Westphalian C France Potonie,R. et al. Principal aspects of the development of the palynology of the Carboniferous. 1964
details Givetian Westphalian C Nd Potonie,R. et al. Principal aspects of the development of the palynology of the Carboniferous. 1964
details Westphalian B Canada(Nova Scotia) Hacquebard,P.A. et al. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures in the Cumberland Basin of Nova Scotia, Canada. 1964
details Dinantian Namurian Romania Beju,D. New palynological facts concerning the Paleozoic of the Moesian Platform (Preliminary Note) 1964
details Late Carboniferous Israel Glikson,M.R. Palynological investigations in Makhtesh Qatan 2 Borings in the Negev, Israel. 1964
details Westphalian B Poland Jachowicz,A. New research on the microflora of the Polish Carboniferous 1964
details Givetian United Kingdom Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Late Givetian Namurian A Canada Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Givetian Frasnian Africa Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Frasnian Famennian USSR Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Strunian Visean Spitsbergen Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Strunian Canada Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Tournaisian Namurian Canada Richardson,J.B. Stratigraphical distribution of some Devonian and Lower Carboniferous spores, (Report of Working Group No 13 B CIMP) 1964
details Westphalian A Autunian France(Vosges) Doubinger,J. On the age of Coal bearing strata of the Vosges. 1965
details Middle Devonian Late Devonian Saudi Arabia Hemer,D.O. Application of palynology in Saudia Arabia. 1965
details Early Carboniferous Australia(W.Australia) Playford,G. Composition and stratigraphic significance of Australian Carboniferous microfloras 1966
details Westphalian B Westphalian C France(Lorraine) Alpern,B. et al. Palynologic zonation of the Carboniferous Basin of Lorraine. 1966