Appendicisporites auriferus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Middle Triassic China(Guizhou) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic China(Hupei) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Jurassic China(N.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Late Triassic China(Szechwan) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Jurassic Early Cretaceous China(S.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic Early Triassic China(Kansu) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Early Triassic China(Yunnan) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Late Triassic Early Triassic China(Shanxi) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic China(Shandong) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Barremian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Markevich,V.S. A Palynological Zonation of the Continental Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of eastern Russia. 1994
details Barremian USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Markevich,V.S. A Palynological Zonation of the Continental Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of eastern Russia. 1994
details Barremian USSR(Magadan Oblast) Markevich,V.S. A Palynological Zonation of the Continental Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of eastern Russia. 1994
details Barremian USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Markevich,V.S. A Palynological Zonation of the Continental Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of eastern Russia. 1994
details Barremian USSR(Kuril Island) Markevich,V.S. A Palynological Zonation of the Continental Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of eastern Russia. 1994
details Hauterivian Aptian China(N.China) Li,W. et al. The Cretaceous palynofloras and their bearing on stratigraphic correlation in China. 1994
details Early Cretaceous China(Heilungkiang) Pu,R. Mesozoic sporo-pollen floras and paleophyto geoprovinces in Northeastern China 1992
details Cretaceous China(Manchuria,Jilin) Pu,R. Mesozoic sporo-pollen floras and paleophyto geoprovinces in Northeastern China 1992