
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Tournaisian Westphalian E.Germany(Suhl) Kedves,M. Introduction to the palynology of Pre-Quaternary deposits 1986
details Late Tournaisian Algeria Streel,M. Miospore contribution to the Upper Famennian-Strunian event stratigraphy 1986
details Barremian China Song,Z.-C. A review on the study of Early Cretaceous angiosperm pollen in China 1986
details Middle Pennsylvanian West Virginia Eble,C.F. Palynology and Paleocecology of a Middle Pennsylvanian age Coal Bed from the Central Appalachian Basin 1987
details Middle Pennsylvanian Kentucky Eble,C.F. Palynology and Paleocecology of a Middle Pennsylvanian age Coal Bed from the Central Appalachian Basin 1987
details Visean USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Peterson,L.N. Evolutionary features of Carboniferous vegetation in the Tunguska Syneclise (based on palynological evidence). (In: Paleontology and Reconstruction of Geological History of Paleobasins. T.N.Bogdanova and L.T.Khozatsky, editors) 1987
details Late Carboniferous China(Inner Mongolia) Zhao,X. Late Carboniferous and Early Permian spore pollen assemblage from the Central Jungar Coalfield, Nei Mongol. 1987
details Late Carboniferous Canada(Nova Scotia) Kumaran,K.P.N. et al. Upper Carboniferous palynology of Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1987
details Tournaisian China(Sinkiang Uighur) Wang,H. Early Carboniferous spore-pollen assemblage from Dishuiquan Profile of eastern Junggar Basin 1987
details Ladinian Rhaetian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Shelekhova,M.N. et al. Climatic conditions in Middle and Late Triassic time in Precaspian of the palynological data 1988
details Early Cretaceous India(Tamil Nadu) Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Stratigraphic implication of Late Gondwana floras in the east coast. (In: Concepts, limits and extension of the Indian Gondwana. B.S.Venkatachala and H.K.Maheshwari, editors) 1988
details Bashkirian Canada(Yukon) Bamber,E.W. et al. A summary of Carboniferous and Permian biostratigraphy, Northern Yukon Territory and Northwest District of MacKenzie. (In: Current research Part G, Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) 1989
details Bashkirian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Bamber,E.W. et al. A summary of Carboniferous and Permian biostratigraphy, Northern Yukon Territory and Northwest District of MacKenzie. (In: Current research Part G, Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) 1989
details Early Pennsylvanian Alabama Gastaldo,R.A. et al. An Appalachian-sourced deltaic sequence, Northeastern Alabama, USA; Biofacies-lithofacies relationships and interpreted community patterns. (In: Peat and Coal; Origin, Facies and Depositional Models. P.C.Lyons and B.Alpern, editors) 1989
details Early Pennsylvanian Illinois Leary,R.L. et al. Porostrobgus nathorstii sp.nov.; A new species of Lycopsid cone from the Early Pennsylvanian of Illinois. 1989
details Bajocian Early Bathonian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Spore and pollen assemblage zonation of Swedish Bajocian and Bathonian sediments. (In:Northwest European Micropalaeontology and Palynology.D.J. Batten and M.C. Keen, editors) 1989
details Westphalian D Atlantic Ocean Hacquebard,P.A. The wanderings of Donsexinis Stach,1957, alias Densosporites Schopf, Wilson and Bentall,1944 in the North Atlantic Ocean. A forensic geology investigation. 1989