Coronifera oceanica

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link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Turonian England(Kent) Fitzpatrick,M.E.J. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Southern England. 1995
details Turonian England(Isle of Wight) Fitzpatrick,M.E.J. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Southern England. 1995
details Santonian Early Campanian Texas Srivastava,S.K. Dinocyst biostratigraphy of Santonian-Maestrichtian Formations of the western Gulf Coastal Plain, South United States. 1995
details Barremian Early Albian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Heilmann-Clausen,C. et al. Barremian-Aptian dinoflagellates and calcareous nannofossils in the Ahlum 1 Borehole and the Otto Gott Claypit, Sarstedt, Lower Saxony Basin, Germany. (In: The Barremian-Aptian Boundary. A Study of profiles from the Boreal Cretaceous.E.Kemper, editor) 1995
details Eocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Nassichuk,W.W. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils discovered in Kimberlites at Lac de Gras in the Slave Province, Northwest Territories. 1995
details Late Barremian Wilpshaar,M. Direct stratigraphic correlations of the Vercors Carbonate Platform in southeast France with the Barremian stratotype by means of dinoflagellate cysts. 1995
details Late Cenomanian France(Sarthe) Tocher,B.A. et al. Dinocyst distributions and stratigraphy of two Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous) sections from the Western Anglo-Paris Basin 1995
details Late Cenomanian Early Turonian France(Normandie) Tocher,B.A. et al. Dinocyst distributions and stratigraphy of two Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous) sections from the Western Anglo-Paris Basin 1995
details Late Barremian France(Rhone) Wilpshaar,M. Direct stratigraphic correlation of selected intervals in the Carbonate Platform development of the Vercors Plateau, (southeast France) with the Barremian stratotype by means of dinoflagellate cysts. (In: Applicability of Dinoflagellate Cyst Stratigraphy to the Analyses of Passive and Active Tectonic Settings. S.N. Ward, editors) 1995
details Turonian Coniacian Australia(W.Australia) Glover,J.E. et al. An Upper Cretaceous Chert nodule apparently marine ballast from Princess Royal Harbour, Western Australia. 1995
details Barremian Aptian Australia Burger,D. Timescales 9. Cretaceous Australian Phanerozoic timescales biostratigraphic charts and explanatory notes. Second Series. 1995
details Late Cenomanian Arizona Li,H. et al. Dinoflagellate stratigraphy and its response to sea level change in Cenomanian-Turonian sections of the Western Interior of the United States. 1996
details Turonian England(Kent) Fitzpatrick,M.E.J. Recovery of Turonian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the effects of the oceanic anoxic events at the end of the Cenoman in Southern England. (In: Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events. M.B.Hart, editor) 1996
details Turonian England(Isle of Wight) Fitzpatrick,M.E.J. Recovery of Turonian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the effects of the oceanic anoxic events at the end of the Cenoman in Southern England. (In: Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events. M.B.Hart, editor) 1996
details Turonian England(Sussex) Fitzpatrick,M.E.J. Recovery of Turonian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the effects of the oceanic anoxic events at the end of the Cenoman in Southern England. (In: Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events. M.B.Hart, editor) 1996
details Late Albian Middle Cenomanian England(Sussex) Tocher,B.A. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst distributions and the Albian-Cenomanian boundary (Mid-Cretaceous) at Cordebugle, northwest France and Lewes, Southern England. 1996
details Late Albian Early Cenomanian France(Normandie) Tocher,B.A. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst distributions and the Albian-Cenomanian boundary (Mid-Cretaceous) at Cordebugle, northwest France and Lewes, Southern England. 1996