Lycospora pusilla

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian S.Ireland(Wexford) Clayton,G. et al. Carboniferous (Dinantian and Silesian) and Permo-Triassic rocks in South County Wexford, Ireland. 1986
details Pennsylvanian Ohio Hasenstaub,T.S. Miospore zonation in the Brookville (No.4) Coal (Pennsylvanian) of Ohio. 1986
details Late Tournaisian Scotland Paterson,I.B. et al. Lithostratigraphy of the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous rocks in the Midland Valley of Scotland 1986
details Late Namurian Westphalian A Spain Horvath,V. Palynology of Carboniferous of Santofirme (Oviedo, Northern Spain). 1986
details Namurian Westphalian A Romania Paraschiv,D. et al. Contributions to the study of the Vlasin Formation (Paralic Carboniferous) of the Moesian Platform North of the Danube 1986
details Westphalian Stephanian Romania Visarion,A. On the presence of a Westphalian-Stephanian microflora in the western part of the Sirinia zone (Streniac Brook-Miclau Brook) 1986
details Early Visean Middle Visean Canada(Newfoundland) Utting,J. Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group and Windsor-Canso Boundary Beds of Nova Scotia, and their equivalents in Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. 1987
original Late Visean Canada(Quebec) Utting,J. Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group and Windsor-Canso Boundary Beds of Nova Scotia, and their equivalents in Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. 1987
original Visean Canada(Newfoundland) Utting,J. Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group and Windsor-Canso Boundary Beds of Nova Scotia, and their equivalents in Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. 1987
original Early Visean Middle Visean Canada(New Brunswick) Utting,J. Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group and Windsor-Canso Boundary Beds of Nova Scotia, and their equivalents in Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. 1987
original Early Visean Middle Visean Canada(Nova Scotia) Utting,J. Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous Windsor Group and Windsor-Canso Boundary Beds of Nova Scotia, and their equivalents in Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. 1987
details Westphalian B Westphalian C Algeria Loboziak,S. et al. Palynology of the coal formations of the Bechar-Abadla Basin (southwest Oran, Algeria). 1987
details Tournaisian China(Kiangsu) Yan,Y. On Chenjiabian Formation, the bottom of Lower Carboniferous in Lower Yagntze Region. 1987
details Tournaisian China(Kiangsu) Yan,Y. On Chenjiabian Formation, the bottom of Lower Carboniferous in Lower Yagntze Region. 1987
details Westphalian D Spain Coquel,R. et al. Carboniferous of the Demanda Sierra (Spain) palynological contributions 1987
details Visean Namurian A China(Kansu) Wu,X.-Y. et al. New advances in the study of Carboniferous rocks of Jingyaun, Eastern Gansu 1987
details Namurian China(Kansu) Gao,L. Namurian miospore zonation from Jingyuan, Gansu and the Middle Carboniferous boundary. 1987