Lycospora pusilla

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Visean USSR(European) Clayton,G. Dinatian miospores and Inter-Continental correlation 1985
details Visean China(Kansu) Clayton,G. Dinatian miospores and Inter-Continental correlation 1985
details Late Visean Algeria Clayton,G. Dinatian miospores and Inter-Continental correlation 1985
details Early Visean USSR(Vologda) Byvsheva,T.V. Zonal spore assemblages and stratigraphy of the Turanian-Visean oil and Gas zones of the Volgo-Ural Province. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Early Visean USSR(Urals) Byvsheva,T.V. Zonal spore assemblages and stratigraphy of the Turanian-Visean oil and Gas zones of the Volgo-Ural Province. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Tournaisian Visean USSR(Russian Platform) Byvsheva,T.V. Spores of the Tournaisian and Visean deposits around the Russian Platform. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Late Visean Late Carboniferous Libya Coquel,R. Microfloras in North Africa. (In: The Carboniferous of the World II. Australia, Indian Subcontinent, South Africa, South America and North Africa. C. Mart­nez D­az et al, editors) 1985
details Late Visean Middle Bashkirian Algeria Coquel,R. Microfloras in North Africa. (In: The Carboniferous of the World II. Australia, Indian Subcontinent, South Africa, South America and North Africa. C. Mart­nez D­az et al, editors) 1985
details Late Tournaisian Visean Morocco Coquel,R. Microfloras in North Africa. (In: The Carboniferous of the World II. Australia, Indian Subcontinent, South Africa, South America and North Africa. C. Mart­nez D­az et al, editors) 1985
details Late Carboniferous Algeria Coquel,R. Microfloras in North Africa. (In: The Carboniferous of the World II. Australia, Indian Subcontinent, South Africa, South America and North Africa. C. Mart­nez D­az et al, editors) 1985
details Early Tournaisian China(Kweichow) Gao,L. Spores in VII: Systematic paleontologic. (In: Muhua sections of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary Beds. H.Hou, et al, editors) 1985
details Early Tournaisian China(Kweichow) Gao,L. Spores in VII: Systematic paleontologic. (In: Muhua sections of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary Beds. H.Hou, et al, editors) 1985
details Early Permian Czechoslovakia Miko,O. et al. Determination of Late Paleozoic Metasediments in Crystalline complexes of Kraklova zone (Horehronske (Podolic) 1985
details Late Devonian China(Kweichow) Gao,L. et al. Biostratigraphy of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary Beds in Muhua area 2. other important fossil assemblages. (In: Muhua sections of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary Beds. H.Hou, et al, editors) 1985
details Late Mississippian Namurian A Montana Cox,R.S. Preliminary report on the age and palynology of the Bear Gulch Limestone (Mississippian, Montana). 1986
details Late Tournaisian Namurian B Poland Kmiecik,H. Palynostratigraphy of the Carboniferous at the Margin of the Polish Part of the East-European Platform 1986
details Asbian Scotland(Fife) Scott,A.C. et al. Studies on a new Lower Carboniferous flora from Kingswood near Pettycur, Scotland. 1. Preliminary report. 1986