Vitreisporites pallidus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Hettangian Oxfordian Portugal Fechner,G.G. et al. Sedimentary petrography and palynology of Jurassic Beds in the Bagorda Valley near Porto de Mos, Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. 1989
details Oxfordian Portlandian France(Jura) Courtinat,B. The organoclasts of the Malm Formations of Southern Jura: Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecological interpretation. 1989
details Valanginian Aptian Australia(S.Australia) Rich,T.H. et al. Early Cretaceous biota from the northern side of the Australo-Antarctic Rift Valley. (In: Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota. J.A.Crame, editor) 1989
details Late Aptian Early Albian Australia(Victoria) Rich,T.H. et al. Early Cretaceous biota from the northern side of the Australo-Antarctic Rift Valley. (In: Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota. J.A.Crame, editor) 1989
details Anisian Norian Syria Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palynology and stratigraphy of the Middle and Late Triassic deposits of Syria. (In: Paleoflora and Stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic. M.A.Akhmetev, editor) 1989
details Valanginian Early Albian Australia(Victoria) Wagstaff,B.E. et al. Palynological dating of Lower Cretaceous coastal vertebrate localities, Victoria, Australia. 1989
details Late Aptian Early Albian Canada(Alberta) Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Berriasian Albian North America Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Early Albian Middle Albian Spain Querol,X. et al. Chronostratigraphic Measurements of the Escucha Formation in the Northwestern Sector of the Maestrazgo Basin;Iberian Cordliera 1989
details Neocomian Early Albian Atlantic Ocean(South) Kotova,I.Z. Comparative characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous palynoassemblage of the Central and Southern Atlantic. (In: Stratigraphic problems from the Late Proterozoic and Phanerizoic.) 1989
details Neocomian Early Cenomanian Atlantic Ocean(South) Kotova,I.Z. Comparative characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous palynoassemblage of the Central and Southern Atlantic. (In: Stratigraphic problems from the Late Proterozoic and Phanerizoic.) 1989
details Early Cretaceous Early Albian Alaska Bujak Davies Group Palynological analysis of 48 outcrop samples from the Colville River and Ivishak River areas, Northern Alaska. 1989
details Triassic Toarcian Argentina Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynomorphs. (In: South America and Antarctic Peninsula. A.C.Riccardi et al. (In: Jurassic taxa ranges and correlation charts for the Circum Pacific. G.E.G.Westerman and A.C.Riccardi, editor) 1990
details Aalenian Callovian Volkheimer,W. et al. Comments on range chart: Palynomorphs. (In: South America and Antarctic Peninsula. A.C.Riccardi et al. (In: Jurassic taxa ranges and correlation charts for the Circum Pacific. G.E.G.Westerman and A.C.Riccardi, editor) 1990
details Oxfordian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynomorphs. (In: South America and Antarctic Peninsula. A.C.Riccardi et al. (In: Jurassic taxa ranges and correlation charts for the Circum Pacific. G.E.G.Westerman and A.C.Riccardi, editor) 1990
details Hettangian Early Oxfordian France(Alsace) Rauscher,R. et al. Palynological investigations in the Jurassic of the Alsace (northeast France). 1990
details Santonian Japan(Iwate Pref.) Takahashi,K. et al. Palynomorphs from the Santonian Uge Member of the Taneichi Formation, Northeast Japan. 1990