Vitreisporites pallidus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Cretaceous India(Gujarat) Lakhanpal,R.N. et al. A catalogue of Indian fossil plants 1976
details Early Albian Canada(Ontario) Hopkins,W.S. et al. Miospores and megaspores from the Lower Cretaceous Mattagami Formation of Ontario. 1976
details Early Aptian Australia(W.Australia) Kemp,E.M. Palynological observations in the Officer Basin, Western Australia. 1976
details Middle Albian Late Albian Canada(Ontario) Norris,G. et al. An Albian microflora from the Mattagami Formation, James Bay Lowlands, Ontario. 1976
details Albian Atlantic Coast Offshore Gradstein,F.M. et al. Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Atlantic Continental Margin, eastern Canada. 1976
details Pliensbachian Atlantic Coast Offshore Gradstein,F.M. et al. Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Atlantic Continental Margin, eastern Canada. 1976
details Pliensbachian Canada(Newfoundland) Jansa,L.F. et al. Stratigraphy of the Amoco-Ioe Murre G-67 Well, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. 1976
details Callovian Tithonian Canada(Newfoundland) Jansa,L.F. et al. Stratigraphy of the Amoco-Ioe Murre G-67 Well, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. 1976
details Berriasian Valanginian Netherlands Amerom,H.W.J.Van et al. Palaeobotanical and palynological investigation with notes on the microfauna of some core samples from the Lower Cretaceous in the West Netherlands Basin. 1976
details Late Permian New Zealand(S.I.) Wilson,G.J. Permian palynomorphs from the Mangarewa Formation, Productus Creek, Southland, New Zealand. Notes from the New Zealand Geological Survey-9. 1976
details Albian Turonian New Zealand(N.I.) de Hornibrook,N.B. et al. Major displacements in Northland, New Zealand; micropaleontology and stratigraphy of Waimamaku 1 and 2 Wells. 1976
details Cenomanian Early Turonian Australia(N.Territory) Norvick,M.S. et al. Palynology of the Cenomanian of Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, Australia. 1976
details Albian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Brideaux,W.W. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations from the subsurface of the District of Franklin and MacKenzie and the Yukon Teritory 1976
details Aptian Late Albian Canada(Arctic) Doerenkamp,A. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary palynomorph assemblages from Banks Island and adjacent areas (NWT). 1976
details Late Jurassic Barremian South Africa Scott,L. Palynology of Lower Cretaceous deposits from the Algoa Basin (Republic of South Africa). 1976
details Kimmeridgian Purbeckian Egypt Saad,S.I. et al. Palynological studies in Nubia Sandstone from Kharga Oasis. 1976
details Sinemurian Early Pliensbachian Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin (Argentina) relations with other Gondwanic areas. 1976