Subtriporopollenites constans

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Eocene Bartonian Czechoslovakia Lesko,B. et al. Geological evaluation of the Hanusovce 1 Drill-Hole Data, (eastern Slovakia). 1984
details Middle Eocene Bartonian Czechoslovakia Lesko,B. et al. Geological evaluation of the Hanusovce 1 Drill-Hole Data, (eastern Slovakia). 1984
details Middle Eocene Bartonian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) Lesko,B. et al. Geological evaluation of the Hanusovce 1 Drill-Hole Data, (eastern Slovakia). 1984
details Montian Romania Ion,J. et al. On the Paleocene of the Bistrita Half Window 1985
details Ilerdian France(Vendee) Ollivier-Pierre,M.F. et al. From marine environment to continental environment, an example: The Ypresian Laminated Clay of La Baie de Bourgneuf and of Le Lac de Grand-Lieu (Vendee). 1985
details Landenian Ypresian Belgium Mercier,M. et al. Continental-brakish to marine transition modalities of the Ypresian in the northwest of the Paris Basin and of the Belgian Basin from the data of the palynology, the clay mineralogy and the radioelements geochemistry. 1985
details Maastrichtian Spain Kedves,M. et al. Palynology study of the Maestritian sediments of the Valley of Posa (Prepirineo, Lerida, Spain). 1985
details Cuisian France(Seine-Maritim) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. et al. The Cusian Transgression in Haute-Normandie at Sotteville-sur-Mer (76-France) and the Diacronism of the Sparnacian Facies. 1985
details Late Landenian Early Sparnacian England(Sussex) Dupuis,C. et al. The Woolwich Beds find the London Clay of Newhaven (East Sussex), new palynological and stratigraphic data. 1985
details Late Landenian Early Sparnacian England(Sussex) Dupuis,C. et al. The Woolwich Beds find the London Clay of Newhaven (East Sussex), new palynological and stratigraphic data. 1985
details Late Landenian Early Sparnacian England(Sussex) Dupuis,C. et al. The Woolwich Beds find the London Clay of Newhaven (East Sussex), new palynological and stratigraphic data. 1985
details Late Paleocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Andreeva-Grigorovich,A.S. et al. The regional stratigraphical scheme of the Paleogene deposits, Ukrainian Carpathians. 1985
details Middle Eocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Andreeva-Grigorovich,A.S. et al. On the boundary of Eocene and Oligocene of the Scale zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians according to paleofloristic data. 1985
details Oligocene Egypt Kedves,M. Palynologic studies on the Pre-Quaternary sediments of Egypt, Oligocene 1985
details Oligocene Egypt Kedves,M. Palynological study of the Prequaternary of Egypt Oligocene 1986
details Late Maastrichtian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Micropaleontology of the Maestrichtian in borehole Bunde, the Netherlands. 1986
details Late Maastrichtian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Micropaleontology of the Maestrichtian in borehole Bunde, the Netherlands. 1986