Polycingulatisporites reduncus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Maestrichtian Romania Itterbeeck,J. Van et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian dinosaur- andmammal sites of the Rўul Mare and Barbat Valleys(Haоeg Basin, Romania). 2005
details India(Andhra Pradesh) Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Krishna-Godavari Basin. (In: Palynology in Hydrocarbon Exploration:The Indian Scenario. Part 1: Category I : Basins) 2002
details Middle Jurassic Canada(Saskatchewan) White,J.M. et al. Palynological evidence for Jurassic and Triassic(?) ages of the Upper Watrous and Lower Gravelbourg Formations, southern Saskatchewan. 2002
details Santonian Early Campanian Canada(Alberta) Payenberg,T.H.D. et al. Litho- and chronostratigraphic relationships of the Santonian - Campanian Milk River Formation in southern Alberta and Eagle Formation in Montana utilising stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and palynology. 2002
details Early Campanian Montana Payenberg,T.H.D. et al. Litho- and chronostratigraphic relationships of the Santonian - Campanian Milk River Formation in southern Alberta and Eagle Formation in Montana utilising stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and palynology. 2002
details Late Santonian Early Campanian Canada(Alberta) Braman,D.R. Terrestrial palynomorphs of the Upper Santonian - ?Lower Campanian Milk River Formation, southern Alberta, Canada. 2001
details Albian Cenomanian Argentina(Mendoza) Vallati,P. Middle Cretaceous microflora from the Huincul Formation ("Dinosaurian Beds") in the Neuqu©n Basin, Patagonia, Argentina. 2001
details Valanginian Barremian China(Heilungkiang) Gang,L. Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Qihulin Formation in eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. 2001
details Aptian Albian Alaska Kimyai,A. Palynology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sediments in the South Barrow Test Well No.1, Point Barrow, Alaska. 2000
details Middle Triassic China(Guizhou) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic China(Hupei) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Jurassic China(N.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Late Triassic China(Szechwan) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Jurassic Early Cretaceous China(S.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic Early Triassic China(Kansu) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Late Triassic Early Triassic China(Shanxi) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000
details Middle Triassic China(Shandong) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 2: The Mezozoic Spores and Pollen. 2000