Vastisporites vastiformis

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Portlandian Early Ryazanian North Sea Abbink,O.A. A Late Jurassic (Callovian - Early Ryazanian) ammonite-calibrated sporomorph zonation for the southern North Sea area. (In: Palynological Investigation in the Jurassic of the North Sea Region. O.A. Abbink) 1998
details Late Portlandian Early Ryazanian North Sea Abbink,O.A. Taxonomic Section. (In: Palynological Investigation in the Jurassic of the North Sea Region. O.A. Abbink) 1998
details Early Berriasian France(Jura) M©dus,J. et al. Palynology of some Berriasian Emersive levels from the Jura.Assemblages from Sardinia and Pyrenees 1991
details Early Tithonian Early Berriasian Europe Dжrhжfer,G. Distribution and stratigraphic utility of Oxfordian to Valanginian miospores in Europe and North America. 1976
details Tithonian Early Berriasian E.Germany Dжring,H. The stratigraphic classification of spores from the Lower Cretaceous of northern Central Europe. 1966
details Malm E.Germany Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 4. Supplement to all Groups, (Turmae). 1966
details Late Kimmeridgian Berriasian E.Germany Dжring,H. Table of the spore stratigraphic Divisions of the Malm 1966
details Late Malm E.Germany(Rostock) Dжring,H. Spore-palynologic classification of the Wealdean in Western Mecklenburg (Werlestructure). 1965
original Late Malm E.Germany(Rostock) Dжring,H. New spore genera and species from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in northern Germany. 1964
details Late Jurassic E.Germany(Rostock) Dжring,H. New spore genera and species from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in northern Germany. 1964