details |
Triassic |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of the Potrerillos Formation, (Traissic), at the locality, Cuyo Basin, (Mendoza Province, Argentina). Part 1. Triletes and Monoletes spores. |
1986 |
details |
Triassic |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of Potrerillos Formation, (Triassic), at the type locality, (Cuyo Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina), Part LI: Pollen grains statistical aspects. Palynostratigraphic correlation. |
1987 |
details |
Middle Triassic |
Carnian |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Zavattieri,A.M. Stratigraphic and paleoecologic evaluation of the palynofloras of the Triassic Las Cabras Formation at the type locality Cerro Las Cabras, Mendoza, Argentina. |
1990 |
details |
Middle Triassic |
Late Triassic |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Boersma,M. et al. Triassic palynomorphs, index to genera and species |
1987 |
details |
Late Triassic |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Volkheimer,W. et al. An Upper Triassic microflora from the Malargue Basin, Llantenes locality, Mendoze Province, Argentina |
1993 |
details |
Late Anisian |
Ladinian |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of the Las Cabras Formation (Triassic) in its type locality, Cuyo Basin (Mendoza Province, Argentina) Part 2: Trilete and Monolete spores. |
1990 |
details |
Late Anisian |
Rhaetian |
Argentina(Mendoza) |
Zavattieri,A.M. et al. Miospores from Argentinian Triassic deposits and theit potential for intercontinental correlation. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) |
1996 |