Vulcanisphaera sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Arenigian England(Cumberland) Molyneux,S.G. Advances and problems in Ordovician palynology in England and Wales 1990
details Late Cambrian USSR(Leningrad) Volkova,N.A. Middle and Upper Cambrian acritarchs in the East-European Platform 1990
details Late Cambrian USSR(Estonian SSR) Volkova,N.A. Middle and Upper Cambrian acritarchs in the East-European Platform 1990
details Late Cambrian USSR(Yaroslav) Volkova,N.A. Middle and Upper Cambrian acritarchs in the East-European Platform 1990
details Middle Cambrian USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Yankauskas,T.V. Biostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Cambrian boundary Beds of Lithuania. 1990
details Tremadocian USSR(Estonian SSR) Volkova,N.A. et al. New Tremadocian acritarchs from the northern Russian Platform 1991
details Ashgillian Wales(Powys) Barron,H.F. Moyeria carbottii from the Ordovician of Wales, United Kingdom. 1991
details Late Llandoverian Early Wenlockian S.Ireland(Galway) McCaffrey,W.D. et al. Recycled acritarchs as provenance indicators;Implications for Caledonian Terrane reconstruction 1992
details Ashgillian Belgium Tourneur,F. et al. A preliminary study of Ashgil Carbonate Beds from the Lower Part of the Fosses Formation (Condroz, Belgium). 1993
details Late Arenigian Czechoslovakia VavrdovЎ,M. Acritarch assemblages in the Arenig series of the Prague Basin, Czech Republic. (In: Contributions to Acritarch and Chitinozoan Research. S.G.Molyneux and K.J.Doring, editors) 1993
details Tremadocian Argentina(Salta) Rubinstein,C.V. Palynological investigations in the Lower Paleozoic of Argentina 1993
details Langsettian England(Yorkshire) McLean,D. Provenance of reworked palynomorphs from the Greenmoor Rock, (Langsettian, Late Carboniferous), near Sheffield, England. 1995
details Late Arenigian Early Llanvirnian England(Cumberland) Cooper,A.H. et al. The stratigraphy, correlation, provenance and palaeogeography of the Skiddaw Group (Ordovician) in the English Lake District 1995
details Caradocian Wenlockian Nepal Sinha,H.N. et al. Record of Prolific and Indubitable acritarchs from the Lower Paleozoic strata of the Tethyan Garhwal Himalaya and age implication 1996
details Caradocian Ludlovian India(Himachal Pradesh) Sinha,H.N. et al. Taxonomy of Veryhachium complex from the Lower Paleozoic marine sediments of Tethyan Garhwal Himalaya, and their environmental significance. 1996
details Late Tremadocian Argentina(Salta) Rubinstein,C.V. et al. Acritarch biostratigraphy of the upper Tremadoc-Arenig of the Eastern Cordillera, northwestern Argentina: relationships with graptolite and trilobite faunas. 1999
details Late Tremadocian Argentina(Jujuy) Rubinstein,C.V. et al. Acritarch biostratigraphy of the upper Tremadoc-Arenig of the Eastern Cordillera, northwestern Argentina: relationships with graptolite and trilobite faunas. 1999